This drives the water cycle
What is sun?
Name the 3 states of matter.
What is solid, liquid and gas
Hurricanes are formed here
What is the ocean?
When the temperature falls below 32 degrees, this precipitation will most likely fall.
What is snow/sleet/hail?
True or False- Heat transfer moves from cold to hot.
What is False?
Tornadoes are formed here?
What is over land?
Evaporation process that occurs in trees and plants.
What is transpiration?
A green tomato turning red.
What is chemical change?
what type of cloud appears as a blanket covering the sky?
What is Stratus
Electrical charges in clouds can produce
What is lightning
The mass of 5gs of sugar dissolved in 20gs of water that has evaporated.
What is 5 grams?
These are the 3 characteristics of a hurricane.
What is warm water, humidity, and wind?
What type of cloud is like cotton?
What is cumulus
This part of the water cycle causes the most damage during a hurricane.
What is a runoff?
Plastic, wood and styrofoam are examples of this.
What is a insulator
The temperature above the jet stream.
What is polar/cold?