
In which country can we find the highest average annual number of tornadoes?

United States of America

If you want to find some tornadoes, the best place to start is the USA. Canada, though larger in area than the US, comes in second. England has more tornadoes per square mile, but comes in third in total number per year. Russia, despite its large size, is not even in the top ten.


A supervolcano is a type of volcano. But what is it about supervolcanoes that make them so 'super'?

 Their eruptions are large and catastrophic

There isn't a scientific definition for a supervolcano, however, the generally accepted definition is a volcano that ejects over 1,000 cubic kilometers of magma. To put it in perspective, the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens was only 1 cubic kilometer.


 In what year did Garfield premiere in newspapers?


Garfield's birthday, June 19th, 1978, is also the date of the tubby tabby's debut in newspapers. Although the popular cat debuted in only a few newspapers, this grew to more than 2,500 newspapers in twenty-five years, and it won a Guinness World Record for being the most widely syndicated comic strip in history. In the first strip, Jon explained that he was a cartoonist, and he introduced Garfield (who simply said 'Feed Me.'). In the beginning, Odie wasn't yet a character. He wasn't introduced until nearly two months later.


The rules that pirates lived by while on ship were known as?


Every pirate ship had its own articles; some were common to all ships such as no women allowed on ship, punishment for stealing, running away, or keeping secrets was death, and the crew shared the bounty equally. Everyone had to follow the rules, even the captain.


How long was the worlds longest french fry?

34 inches 


When does the Atlantic hurricane season officially begin?

June 1 Hurricane season starts June 1 and runs to November 30 in the Atlantic Region. In the Pacific region the start time is May 15 and also runs until Nov 30.
Hurricanes' strengths are defined by a category scale from 1 to 5 with increasing ferocity. Hurricanes can occur outside of the official hurricane season but 97% of these storms fit into the June through November range.


 What does "dormant" mean when used to refer to a volcano?



How old did Garfield turn on June 19, 1994?


Garfield was born on June 19, 1978 in Mama Leoni's Kitchen. He is told about this by his Grandpa.


When was the "Golden Era of Piracy" in the Caribbean?

1650 to 1730

Piracy existed in the Caribbean for many years, even till the mid 1800s, but after the Golden Era, attacks became less frequent because ships would sail in fleets accompanied by other ships to protect the treasure: in other words, they sailed in convoy.


Why is a german chocolate cake called german chocolate cake?

 German Chocolate Cake is not from Germany. German is actually the last name of the man who invented a kind of baking chocolate (Sam German).


When sustained winds are immediately expected to be over forty miles per hour for at least one hour in an area, what kind of advisory does the National Weather Service issue for that area?

High Wind Warning High Wind Warnings are very serious; they warn of destructive winds which can be strong enough to knock down some trees and telephone poles! If one is issued for your area, secure all loose objects outside to prevent them from blowing away.


What is created after a catastrophic eruption of a supervolcano?

Caldera Volcanoes are formed when magma (liquid rock from under the earth's surface) erupts from the mountain and eventually cools and solidifies on the mountain itself. However, there is so much pressure during a catastrophic supervolcanic eruption that too much magma is ejected to form a mountain. The land then collapses and forms a caldera (a cauldron-like shape).


What is Garfield"s favorite food?



What is the name of the flag generally associated with pirates in the 17th and 18th centuries?

 The Jolly Roger

The Jolly Roger usually consists of a skull and two diagonal bones, but some pirate used more elaborate versions including various red flags and versions of the Jolly Roger with up to three skulls.

There have also been occasional reports of ships (especially submamrines) in regular navies sometimes flying the Jolly Roger, usually as an act of triumphalism or in a dare-devil spirit.


What will a ripe cranberry do?

 Ripe cranberries will bounce like a ball. (Go on, try it!). They also float.


What is the difference between hurricanes and typhoons?

Location Tropical systems beyond tropical storm strength are called hurricanes in the North Atlantic Ocean, as well as in the Pacific Ocean, east of the International Date Line in the north, and east of 160° East Longitude in the south. In the Northern Pacific (west of the Date Line), they are called typhoons. Other terms used, depending upon location, include severe tropical cyclone, severe cyclonic storm, and tropical cyclone.


Different volcanos produce lava of different viscosities. This is the main reason some volcanoes erupt explosively, and some just spread runny lava over a large area. To give you an idea of how the difference in viscosities of different types of magma, consider the following experiment. You have two swimming pools, one filled with basaltic lava (think Hawaii), and one filled with rhyolitic lava (think Mount St. Helens). You drop a steel ball in the basaltic lava. It takes about eight hours to sink to the bottom. You drop a steel ball in the rhyolitic lava. About how long does it take to sink to the bottom this time?

900 yrs


Other than lasagna what is his favorite things?

his teddy


When was Blackbeard born?

Circa 1680 Despite the fact that many pirates tried to hide the details of their lives before becoming buccaneers, their approximate ages were not that hard to determine from witnessed accounts of their actions as well as from whatever evidence was available of their pasts.


At what age did Walt Disney begin drawing?

Walt Disney started sketching regularly when he was just four years old.


What do you call a tornado that is over water?

Waterspout Waterspouts funnel water into the sky, as opposed to tornadoes, which suck up earth, dirt, and other objects on the ground.


About 65 million years ago, a series of massive, massive volcanic eruptions spilled about 12,275 cubic miles (512,000 cubic km) of basaltic lava over west-central India. That is truly a lotta lava. Today, the formation is known as the Deccan Traps. This major geologic event took place suspiciously near to the famous mass extinction of which animal group?



What does he hate the most?



What was Blackbeard's real name?

Edward Teach


Rain contains which vitamin?

Rain contains vitamin B12.
