This is the type of weathering that does not involve a change in chemical composition.
What is physical weathering?
This is the shape of a valley created by glaciers.
What is U?
Sediments that drag or roll along the bottom of a stream are considered to be this.
What is bedload?
This is the reason why sediments tossed around by wind or waves are smooth and rounded.
What is abrasion?
This is the landscape in which we live.
What is a plateau?
What is surface area?
When frost wedging loosens blocks of rock and the glacier then lifts them away.
What is plucking?
This is the maximum amount of stuff that a stream can transport depending on its velocity.
What is capacity?
The side of a sand dune that is exposed to wind is called this.
What is the windward side?
What a relief! This landscape has barely any of it!
What are plains?
Those darn potholes! They wouldn't exist if not for this type of physical weathering.
What is frost wedging?
This lengthy pile of glacial till in New York is home to over 8 million people.
What is Long Island?
You might not want to build a house on the flat area on either side of a stream, often referred to by this name.
What is floodplain?
You can even build a house on this feature of wave deposition, which is found on Long Island, New Jersey, and the Outer Banks.
What are barrier islands?
Arid/dry landscape regions are known for this characteristic ( 3 possible answers).
What is sharp angles, steep slopes, or thin topsoil?
This is the type of climate that might favor chemical weathering.
What is warm and humid?
What are striations?
DAILY DOUBLE: When a stream empties into a larger body of water, the stream velocity slows down, often creating this depositional feature.
What is a delta?
This manmade structure is built offshore to try to mitigate erosion and speed up deposition.
What is a breakwater?
If you travel directly north from New Rochelle, without crossing the Hudson River, you will quickly run into this narrow mountain range.
What are the Taconics?
A limestone cave that has undergone chemical weathering may also contain these icicle-resembling rock structures.
What are stalactites?
This famous glacial erratic may hang off the side of a mountain in Acadia National Park, but Mr. Wildeman had no success in pushing it off.
What is Bubble Rock?
This is a stagnant body of water formed as a result of a stream over-meandering.
What is an oxbow lake?
This 2012 event eroded nearly all of New York and New Jersey's beaches.
What is Hurricane Sandy?
FINAL JEOPARDY: Any rain that falls in America's biggest watershed will eventually find its way to this SUPER US city.
What is New Orleans, Louisiana?