Social Media platforms include
My Space
The internet is a prominent source for
health information
What are the future implications of social media as it relates to nursing
•Social media will continue to advance and improve access and equity to healthcare
•More education about social media use in the nursing profession
•Improved and more efficient communication with patients and other healthcare professionals
Benefits and Risks
Know the benefits and risks of social media.
Build your competence. Know the technology and have the skills and judgment to use it appropriately and ethically.
Be aware of social media’s evolving culture and changing technology.
Reflect on the intent and possible consequences of your online behavior — before you blog, post or tweet.
Maintain professional boundaries.
Just as with face-to-face relationships, you must set and communicate these boundaries with clients online.
End your professional relationships appropriately and don’t accept client “friend” requests on your personal social media accounts.
If you use social media with clients, use a professional account separate from your personal one.
Social Media is also referred to as
Web 2.0
Individuals gather health information from
online communities
Nurses utilize social media to benefit the public in many different ways by
-bringing awareness to the public
-providing education to people regarding diseases and treatments
Professional Image
Use the same level of professionalism in your online interactions as you do face-to-face.
Keep your personal and professional lives separate.
Use different accounts for personal and professional activities.
Employer policies
Know and follow employer policies on using social media, photography, computers and mobile devices, including personal, at work.
Internet-based tools that help a user to
connect, collaborate, and communicate with others in real time
Patients, and caregivers use the Internet to search for and investigate
-information about diagnoses, physicians, treatment options, and medicines
-symptoms online prior to seeking medical advice
Nurses utilize social media to in their own practice by:
-communicating with other healthcare professionals, families and friends of patients
-developing themselves professionally by connecting with other nurses and healthcare professionals
-remaining up to date with new research and developments
-predicting and tracking outbreaks
Do not share any client information on social media sites.
Leaving out details when you post information or images does not protect client confidentiality.
Report confidentiality breaches to the right person, immediately.
Use caution if you identify yourself as a nurse online. If you do so, others may ask for advice, which could lead to a nurse-client relationship.
What percentage of women seek health information online?
Individuals search different communities looking for
-for support
-to find an instant solution that may or may not be beneficial
Social Media provides a platform to:
-educate others, share their stories and provide opportunities to influence health care and health policy as advocates for others
-Search for information, evidence based practice and research
-Communicate with patients and colleagues
Set and maintain your privacy settings to limit access to your personal information.
Be aware of your privacy settings and know that even if you use the highest privacy settings, others can copy and share your information without your knowledge or permission.
Protect yours and the profession’s integrity.
Use proper communication channels to discuss, report and resolve workplace issues — not social media.
Before you blog, tweet or share information about your practice, reflect on your intentions and the possible consequences.
Understand that “liking” someone’s disrespectful comments is not much different than making them yourself.
What percentage of consumers believed that if a hospital has a strong social media presence, they're likely to be more cutting edge?
What do individuals post about?
advice about managing their conditions
Harnessing Web 2.0 technology to enhance
-student recruitment
-improving connectedness
-increasing access to academic libraries
-creating virtual classrooms and office hours
-creating student learning experiences
-changes the way students communicate amongst each other and with faculty
Reflect on why, how and when you use social media and help others do the same.
Know that personal use of social media while working could be viewed as client abandonment.
What are the 6 P's of Social Media?
Professional — Act professionally at all times
Positive — Keep posts positive
Patient/Person-free — Keep posts patient or person free
Protect yourself — Protect your professionalism, your reputation and yourself
Privacy — Keep your personal and professional life separate; respect privacy of others
Pause before you post — Consider implications; avoid posting in haste or anger