What is the acronym that explains different learning styles?
Determine this term. A theory based on the belief that an individual's behavior is determined by the environment which is beyond their control.
Journal, portfolios, and electronic portfolios is an example of what assignment type?
A student goes into the classroom three days a week and does online learning for the other two days. What type of classroom is this?
A hybrid classroom
A case that ended racial segregation in public schools.
Brown vs Board of Education
A Student learns best when watching videos and seeing demonstrations. What is this students learning style?
A teacher helps students learn by working collaboratively. What teaching method is this?
To evaluate student learning at the end of an instructional unit, what type of assessment would a teacher use?
Summative Assignment
Student s often get to work in groups and work collaboratives on assignments. What type of teaching is this?
Cooperative learning
A teacher notices that a student struggles to read on their own. To help, the teacher records a video reading assignments aloud to help the student. What teaching method is this?
A student struggles to still during a lecture. What could their learning style be?
What psychological theory discusses the level at which a student can learn things in their own?
The Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD)
What type of assignment is used at the beginning of a learning period to identify students strengths and weaknesses?
Diagnostic Assessment
A student grows up being involved in a co-ed classroom. What type of learning is this?
Parallel Learning
What process evaluates and recognizes educational institutions for meeting specific standards?
If a student learns best from lectures and oral directions, what learning style could they be?
A teacher gives out stickers in a classroom what students raise their hand in class instead of speaking out. What psychological theory does this portray?
B.F. Skinner's theory of Operant Conditioning
What type of assessment is conducted during the learning process to provide guide instructions and give feedback?
Formative Assessment
The tool Google Classroom is an example of what?
Software Application
What is the relationship between a teacher and a student in a classroom defined as?
If a student is distracted by another student's movement in class, what type of learner could they be?
What is the name of the theorist the theory who discovered scaffolding and the Zone of Proximal Development.
Out of the four assessment types, which one would a chapter test be classified as?
Summative Assessment
the term 'hybrid learning' is also known as what?
blended learning
A teacher sees a disruptive student and decides to stand next to that student's desk during the class's individual work time. What classroom management method is being used?