Scout Oath
Scout Law
Outdoor Code
Scout Uniform
The Scout ____ is another word for promise.
What is oath?
The meaning of trustworthy.
What is tells the truth. A scout is honest and keeps his promises. People can depend on him.
The outdoor code reminds us that we should protect and conserve our natural __________.
What is resources.
The three special parts of the Webelos uniform.
What is the cap, neckerchief and slide.
The scout motto
What is "Be prepared."
The number of parts of the scout oath.
What is 3?
A scout is true to his family, friends, Scout leaders, school and nation.
What is loyal.
Scouting activities where you would follow the outdoor code.
What is camping and hiking.
An occasion when you would wear your uniform.
What is to a den or pack meeting, on campouts and other den activities, at den service projects, during scouting's anniversary week in February.
The scout slogan.
What is "Do a good turn daily."
An example of how you can do your duty to God and your country.
What is being a good family member and citizen, working for your country's good, obeying laws and following the Scout Law?
A scout is polite to everyone regardless of age or position. He knows that using good manners makes it easier for people to get along.
What is courteous.
Things you can do to follow the outdoor code.
What is keep trash out of lakes, streams, fields, woods and roadways, prevent wildfire by building fires only where appropriate and making sure they are completely out when done, treat public and private property with respect, conserve soil, water, forests, minerals, grasslands, wildlife and energy, and urge others to do the same.
Times the Webelos uniform may not be worn.
What is when you are involved in any distinctly political activity, when you are appearing on the stage professionally, and when you are participating in demonstrations not authorized by the Boy Scouts of America.
The scout sign
What is cover the nail of the little finger of your right hand with your right thumb, then raise your right arm in a a 90 degree angle and hold the 3 middle fingers upward. Those fingers represent the 3 parts of the scout oath. Your thumb and little finger touch to represent the bond that unites scouts throughout the world.
An example of how you can help other people at all times.
What is by offering a cheery smile and a helping hand. By doing a Good Turn daily and helping when you're needed, you prove yourself a Scout and do your part to make this a better world.
The meaning of obedient.
What is a Scout follows the rules of his family, school and troop. He obeys the laws of his community and country. If he thinks these rules and laws are unfair, he tries to have them changed in an orderly manner rather than disobeying them.
Examples of things that do not follow the our outdoor code.
What is dumping trash, polluting rivers and streams, leaving fire unattended, disturbing property or wildlife.
The meaning of the Webelos badge that you will wear on your uniform.
What is you are on the Webelos trail that leads from Cub Scouting to Boy Scouting.
The scout salute
What is form the scout sign with your right hand and bring it upward until your forefinger touches the brim of your hat or the arc of your right eyebrow.
An example of how you can keep yourself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally strong.
What is taking good care of your body. Eat the right foods and build your strength, learn all you can, be curious, ask questions. Live your life with honesty, be clean in your speech and actions, and be a person of strong character.
A scout is faithful in his religious duties. He respects the beliefs of others.
What is reverent.
Leave no ________ of your presence in the outdoors. Always take good care of nature.
What is trace?
The two different color options of the Webelos uniform.
What is the blue uniform worn as a Cub Scout or the tan shirt and olive green pants worn as a Boy Scout.
The scout handshake
What is a handshake made with the hand nearest the heart and offered as a token of friendship.