How does the jingle go when we come across a guest lying on the ground.
"Survey the scene survey the scene check for glass gas fire wire glass gas fire wire"
What is the active rescue called when the guest is facing away from you?
Rear Hug.
What does S.M.R stand for?
Spinal Motion Restriction
What are the pre requisites for an Ellis & Associates lifeguard?
What is the brick test and the swim test
How often does the guard on stand perform a check with their hand?
Every 5 minutes
When we open the airway of an unresponsive guest what is that called?
Jaw Thrust
What is the passive rescue called when the GID is below the surface of the water?
Passive Duck Pluck
What does R.I.C.E stand for?
Rest, Ice, Compress, Elevate
What is the video called that we play right before we start Lifeguard class?
Touched by Drowning
What is the person in the EAVS room called?
What is the rescue breathing ratio for a child?
1 Breath every 3 seconds.
When coming across an unconscious guest in your water after checking for spontaneous breathing what is the next step of care we provide when there is no signs of spontaneous breathing?
What is In water Rescue Breathing
When I say "sally ran under her car door" what am I referencing?
The Six stages of drowning
How long do the guard on stand and the operator in the room have once a VAT is either dropped or has started in your zone to recognize and respond to said VAT?
30 seconds
When doing Infant AO and we see food in the mouth how do we take the food out?
"Pluck Pluck"
There is a rescue in the activity pool but the guest is being too aggressive and the guard cannot perform the rescue what should we do?
What is the two man rescue
What does S.A.M.P.L.E stand for?
Signs and Symptoms, Allergies, Medications, Past medical History, Last Oral Intake and events leading up to.
What should you do as the guard on stand if the EAVS Operator has called a possible rescue, but there is no one drowning in your water?
Hold your thumb up high for the Operator to see it and acknowledge there is actually no one needing to be rescued.
The 5 reasons we would stop CPR are
EMS takes over care, physically unable to keep going, they show signs of life, AED prompts you to stop,
What does D.O.T.S and C.A.B stand for, which order do we say them in and why would we check them in that order
Deformities, Open wounds, Tenderness, and swelling. Circulation Airway Breathing. We say CAB and then DOTS and we check for cabs first because we need to make sure they are breathing and if they need supplemental oxygen. Then we check DOTS to see if the body has any of them.