The Happy Couple
Romance Flicks
Celebrity Hook-ups & Screw Ups
"Bridin' Dirty"
Honeymoon Soundtrack
Fall from Grace! He's bona fide BIG TEN, she's a rockchalk Jayhawk
Who are Greg and Valerie
Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams made sparks in this 2004 film adaptation from a best-selling novel.
What is The Notebook
This celebrity couple just named their baby "North" and the father's last name is also a common directional term.
Who is Kanye West & Kim Kardashian
A location known for wild bachelor parties and the slogan "What happen's here stays here" is
What is Las Vegas
Ol' blue eyes said that "this goes together like a horse and carriage"
What is Love and Marriage by Frank Sinatra
Ritta and Baumgardner are to Valerie and Greg as what and what are to Bonnie and Clyde.
Parker and Barrow
Rose and Jack steamed up the windows of a Renault Towncar in this 1997 blockbuster.
What is The Titanic
This professional athlete scored too many "hole-in-one's" off the course to remain married to a former Swedish super model
Who is Tiger Woods
This potent potable "make's her clothes fall off." It can also be used as a great way to make a first impression at your new job (Jamie Tomasko)
What is Tequila
Marvin Gaye's suggestive hit in 1973 was actually a protest song.
What is "Let's get it On"
I was standing right next to Joyful Ruark when she squeezed out an SBD. Tyler and Troy thought it was me!
Who is Valerie
A very "relaxed" Kristen Wiig couldn't keep her seat in first class in this 2011 Comedy.
What is Bridesmaids
This long-term Hollywood couple has been married for 16 years and have a daughter who likes to whip her hair back and forth.
Who is Will Smith & Jada Pinkett Smith
Jennifer Carol Wilbanks is better known as this after her wide-eyed decommittment in 2005.
What is the Runaway bride
Whitney Houston's version of this romantic ballad was more successful than her busty counterpart.
What is "I Will Always Love You" (performed live by David Bendewald after his next beer)
Mr Fischbacher and Mr Horn were Vegas Headliners until Montecore bit Mr Horn
Who are Sigfried and Roy
Two best buds go to great lengths in search of summer's most outrageous parties, only to realize their plans crash when they fall in love with bridesmaids.
What is Wedding Crashers
This philanthropic couple went out and got 3 more children to add to their 3 organic children and has one of the most famous combined celebrity nick-names.
Who is Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie (Brangelina)
A reason why a couple goes to Hawaii as their honeymoon destination....
What is to be greeted in the traditional hawaiian method
Etta James' slow dance reception hit that was finally released in 1961.
What is "At Last."
In January,Toni surprised Daryll with divorce papers after 39 years of marriage. Guess love couldn't keep them together.
Who are the Captain and Tenille
"I'll have what she's having" said a nearby restaurant patron in the 1989 romantic comedy starring Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan
What is When Harry(Greg) met Sally(Val)
This power couple has a combined net worth of 1 Billion $$$$ and is also the name of Wes' car
What is Jay-Z & BEYONCE
This post-wedding tradition involves the bride and groom; things could get a little messy, be careful not to stain the dress ;) (We can imagine that Shane's was messy)
What is Cutting the Cake
This is a common way to send a letter and is sung by a music legend who was able to accomplish great feats in the music industry utilizing only 4 senses.
What is "Signed, Sealed, Delievered" - Stevie Wonder