Answering wh ?'s
Context Clues
Make a Sentence

Pen and Pencil

- Writing utensil 

- school supplies 


Cake and ice cream

- cake is made with batter

- ice cream can have pieces of other things in it 

- ice cream is cold 

- ice cream will melt


When you look up towards the sky, you see a blue sky because of the way the atmosphere of the earth interacts with sunlight. Even though sunlight looks white, the rays from the sun contain every color in the rainbow. The atmosphere of the earth scatters blue light more than other colors. This happens because blue light travels in shorter, smaller waves. 

- What colors are the rays from the sun? 

- What color is scattered more frequently? 

- Why is the color of blue different? 

What color does sunlight look like? 


The atmosphere of the earth scatters blue light more than other colors.

What does atmosphere mean? 

- a. clouds

- b. the earths sky

-c. space


Which reindeer has a red nose? 


Snowman picture using the word: but


Bus and airplane 

- transportation 

- carries a lot of people


Magazines and Newspapers

Newspapers come out - daily, biweekly, once a week, once a month

- magazines usually come out once a week/month

- Magazines use glossy paper


Although a popular belief, bat's aren't actually blind! Many bats have good vision. When its dark, many bats will use echolocation to help them "see" using their ears. To use echolocation bats release high-pitched noises. Those bounce off objects so they don't run into anything. Some bats don't use echolocation, like fruit bats. 

- Are all bats blind? 

- How do Bats see in the dark? 

- what is echolocation? 


Although a popular belief, bat's aren't actually blind! What belief mean? 

- a. a thought/feeling you have strong support for

-b. knowing something

c. a type of bat


What is the name of the Snowman who comes alive? 



Snowman picture using the word: because


Scooter and Bike

- Transportation 

- Has wheels 

- need action to be propelled 


whales and sharks

- Whales are mammals

- Sharks are fish

- Sharks have gills 

- Whales have a blow hole 


Squirrels are bushy-tailed animals that live all over the world. There are three main reasons. First their tails help keep them warm. Second squirrels use their tails to communicate with other squirrels, like to warn of danger. They also use their tails to help keep balance. 

- Where do squirrels live? 

- What is one reason squirrels have tails? 

- What could a squirrel communicate with its tail? 


Second squirrels use their tails to communicate with other squirrels, like to warn of danger. What does communicate mean? 

- signal 

- falling over

- talk to 


Where does Buddy the Elf go to find his dad? 

New York City


Skiing picture using the word: But


Moon and Mars

- Planets

- In outer space

- no life 

Jellyfish and octopus 
- Jellyfish don't have brains 

- Jellyfish can sting you 

- Octopus have tentacles 

- Octopus have a brain 

- Octopus can escape 


Dogs are mammals. They can have long or short fur, ears, legs and tails. There are about 340 breeds of dogs. Scientists believe that dogs were domesticated over 10,000 years ago and probably the first to be tamed by humans. They help humans herd livestock, rescuing people, guide people who can't see, and became pets. 

- How many breeds of dogs are there? 

- what was the first animal to domesticated? 

- What is one way dogs help humans? 


Scientists believe that dogs were domesticated over 10,000 years ago and probably the first to be tamed by humans. What does domesticated mean? 

- tamed

- from the us

packed in a box


Where does the Polar Express go? 

The North Pole


Skiing picture using the word: until


Mountains and Volcanoes

- Landmarks 

- Can be climbed 

- Created naturally 


Sailboat and submarine

- sailboats have sails

- sailboats are on the water

- submarines go underwater

- submarines use sonar


Honeybee's are a very important insect. They go from flower to flower to collect nectar and pollen from the flowers for food. They use this to make honey to eat and also makes honey for people to eat. They also help plants, they help move pollen from flower to flower. This process is called pollination, this helps plants grow new seeds. About 100 important crops in the US depend on bees. 

- Why are bees important? 

- What food do they make?

- What process do bees help with? 

- How many crops depend on bees? 


They also help plants, they help move pollen from flower to flower. What does pollen mean? 

- petals 

- dust from the plant 

- honey


How many reindeer does Santa have? 


Bonus: Name all of the Reindeer: Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet and Cupid


Skiing picture using the past tense of fly
