What is the definition of Ancient?
Very, very old, like something that existed a long time ago.
Example: "The pyramids in Egypt are ancient structures."
(Adjective) Very busy and full of activity, like a day where there’s a lot to do and you’re rushing around.
It was a hectic day at school.
What is the original words for the contraction Can't?
How many syllables in the word headache?
head / ache
What is the meaning of the prefix 'hydro-'?
Means: Water
For example: "hydration" or "hydroelectric."
What is the definition of Glimpse?
A quick look at something, not seeing it for very long.
Example: "She caught a glimpse of the rainbow before it disappeared."
(Adjective) Feeling very surprised or shocked, like when you hear something that leaves you speechless.
She was stunned by the surprise.
What is the original words for the contraction Won't?
Will not
How many syllables in the word busybody?
busy / body
What is the meaning of the prefix 'retro-'?
Means: backward or behind.
For example: retroactive (applying to the past) or retrograde (moving backward).
What is the definition of Brilliant?
Very bright or very smart; something that shines or someone who is really clever.
Example: "The stars were brilliant in the night sky."
(verb) To run or move quickly towards something, like a bull charging at something in front of it.
The bull charged at the fence.
What is the original words for the contraction It's?
It is
It has
How many syllables in the word gingerbread?
gin / ger / bread
What is the meaning of the base word 'gram'?
Means: something written or a drawing.
For example: It is used in words like "telegram" (a message sent over a distance) or "diagram" (a simplified drawing).
What is the definition of Wander?
To walk around slowly, without a specific direction or purpose.
Example: "He liked to wander through the park and explore."
(Adjective) Quick and energetic, like walking fast when you’re in a hurry.
They took a brisk walk in the park.
What is the original words for the contraction They're?
They are
How many syllables in the word minute?
min / ute
what is the meaning of the base word 'ology'?
Means: Study or Science
For example: used to refer to a field of study, such as "biology" (the study of life) or "geology" (the study of the Earth).
What is the definition of Curious?
Wanting to know or learn more about something.
Example: "The curious cat looked inside the box."
(Verb) To sneak around quietly, usually trying not to be seen, like a cat hiding in the shadows.
The thief skulked in the shadows.
What is the original words for the contraction You'll?
You will
How many syllables in the word radiant?
rad / i / ant
What is the meaning of the base word 'graph'?
Means: something written or drawn.
For example: It is used in words like "autograph" (a person’s signature) or "photograph" (an image captured on film or digitally).