The Prayer of Our Mother Mary is called:
The Hail Mary
After our father we give the ____
Sign of Peace
What helps us be the people God wants us to be?
The Gifts of the Holy Spirit
What is The Ambo?
It's the lectern from which the readings are proclaimed
The _____ is the lowest-ranking cleric. He shares in Christ's servanthood. At Mass, he assists the bishop or the priest, chants or proclaims the Gospel, and gives instructions to the congregation, such as “Let us offer each other the sign of peace,” or “The Mass is ended, go in peace"
What are the Prayers we need to learn in order to get Confirmed?
Hint: 5 Prayers
Our Father, Hail Mary, Act of Contrition, Glory Be, and The Nicene Creed
What do we say after the First & Second reading?
"Thanks be to God"
Who enjoys the Fruits of the Spirit?
Those who cooperate with the gifts of the Holy Spirit
What is the sacred table called, which the sacrifice of the Mass is offered to God; the table from which the faithful receive the Blessed Sacrament?
The Altar
A saint is...
Someone who has been formally canonized by the Church as sharing eternal life with God, and therefore offered for public veneration and imitation.
Which Prayer starts off: "Lord, make me an instrument of your peace, Where There us hatred, let me sow love..."
Prayer of St. Francis
What is after the Penitential Act?
The Gloria
What does the Holy Spirit do for us?
The Holy Spirit gives us the ability to live Christian lives; The Holy Spirit helps us live as faithful Catholics
What is The Apse?
The curved area behind the altar where the tabernacle is located in many churches
Without them we won't be able to have the Eucharist
Use by individuals seeking forgiveness
Act of Contrition
What is the Action before the Priest reads the Gospel?
We do the Cross our forehead, mouth and heart
What did Jesus emphasize that happiness rests on?
Love, forgiveness, and unity
What is the purpose of the Monstrance?
The Monstrance is used during Eucharistic Adoration, in which the faithful come to pray to the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist
What are the responsibilities of a Sponsor?
The responsibilities of a sponsor is to provide prayerful support and guidance in his or her faith and keep them on track with as a true witness of Christ and faithfully fulfills the obligations inherent in this sacrament.
It's the Summary of our Catholic Faith
The Nicene Creed
What do we say after the priest says his part doing the Invitation to Communion:
"Lord, I am not worthy you should enter under my roof, only say the words and my soul shall be healed"
What does the Holy Spirit empower us to do?
To live God's life more fully and witness to our faith more courageously
What is the name of the golden container in which the Blessed Sacrament is reserved?
The Tabernacle
The _____ has the fullness of the priesthood. The essence of the priesthood is to offer sacrifice as a mediator between God and man. The ____, moreover, is a source of unity for his diocese