This red fruit is often used to make pies and is picked from trees?
What is an apple?
This animal is known for barking and is often kept as a pet?
What is a dog?
This mouse is one of the most famous cartoon characters and has big round ears?
Who is mickey mouse?
The season comes after winter and before summer?
What is the best staff?
Who is Mr.Luke?
This popular breakfast food is made from wheat and is often eaten with milk?
What is cereal?
This bird is known for its colorful feathers and can mimic human speech?
What is a parrot?
This superhero wears a red and blue suit and can shoot webs from this hands?
Who is spider man?
This animal is known as the king of the jungle?
What is a lion?
Name three blond staff?
This orange vegetable is often eaten raw or cooked and is good for your eye sight?
What is a carrot?
This large mammal has a trunk and is known for its memory?
This character lives in a pineapple under the sea and has a best friend named Patrick.
Who is SpongeBob Squarepants?
The tool used to tell time?
What is a clock?
What is Mrs.Jazmines favorite color?
What is Black?
This food is made from milk and is often used on sandwiches and on pizza?
What is cheese?
This underwater creature has eight arms and is known for its intelligence?
What is an octopus?
This animated movie features a princess named Elsa who has ice powers?
What is frozen?
What is the largest living mammal?
What is a blue whale?
What is the total number of staff? (you will have 20 seconds)
What is 11?
This food can be scrambled, fried, or boiled and comes from chickens?
What are eggs?
What is a bee?
This popular video game features characters like Mario, Luigi, and Bowser?
What is Super Mario?
This book features a boy who never grows up and lives in Neverland?
Who is peter pan?
Which staff has a sister who worked at the boys & girls club?
Who is Mrs.Ransley?