Area and Perimeter
What is X
Place Value

What is 50% of 150?

Kaden: 50 + 150 =

150 divided by 2 (2 is half or 50%) = 75

Kaden: 50 + 150 = 200


A rectangle has a length of 5 cm and a width of 3 cm. What is its perimeter and area?

Kaden: 5 X 3 =

5 + 3 + 5 + 3 = 16 cm perimeter

5 x 3 = 15 cm squared area

Kaden: 5 X 3 = 15


Jane bought a shirt for $10.50 and two pairs of sunglasses for $4.25 each. If she paid with a 20-dollar bill, how much change should she get back?

Kaden: How many quarters do you need to make one dollar?


20.00-19.00=$1.00 change

Kaden: four


What is x?

2X + 5 = 35

Kaden: What is 35 - 5 =


Kaden: 35 - 5 = 30


What place value is the 5 in?

4 852 000 

ten thousands


What is 10% of 90?

Kaden: 10 + 90 =

To find 10% of a number you move the decimal one to the left, 

10% of 90 is 9

Kaden: 10 + 90 = 100


A rectangle has a length of 7 cm and a width of 6 cm. What is its perimeter and area?

Kaden: 7 X 6 = 

7 + 6 + 7 + 6 = 26 cm perimeter

7 x 6 = 42 cm squared area

7 X 6 = 42


In one week a restaurant sold 350 lunch specials for $8.00 each. How much money did they make in selling the lunch specials?

Kaden: How many dimes do you need to make one dollar?

350 X 8.00 = $2800.00 total

Kaden: ten


What is x?

4X + 5 = 41 

Kaden: what is 41 - 5 =


Kaden: 41 - 5 = 36


What place value is the 2 in?

2 538 194



What is 25% of 248?

Kaden: 25 + 248 = 

To find 25% of a number you take the whole number and divide it by 4. 

248 divide by 4 = 62

Kaden: 25 + 248 = 273


A square has a length of 7 cm. What is its perimeter and area?

Kaden: 7 X 4 =

7 + 7 + 7 + 7 = 28 cm perimeter

7 x 7 = 49 cm squared area

Kaden: 7 X 4 = 28


John, Jane and Jim each received a weekly allowance of $15.50. At the end of four weeks how much in total did they receive for their allowance?

Kaden: How many nickels do you need to make fifty cents?

15.50 X 3 = $46.50 in total for three people, $46.50 X 4 (weeks)= $186.00 in total

Kaden: ten


What is x?

7X - 6 = 43

Kaden: What is 43 - 6 =


Kaden: 43 - 6 = 37


What place value is the 3 in?

1 302 670

hundred thousands


What is 30% of 180?

Kaden: 30 + 180 =

Find the 10% = 18. Add 18+18+18= 54

30% of 180 is 54

Kaden: 30 + 180 = 210


A triangle has a base of 9 cm, both sides are 12 cm a height of 18 cm.  What is its perimeter and area?

Kaden: 9 X 12 =

 =33 cm perimeter

9 X 18 divided by 2 = 81 cm squared area

Kaden: 9 X 12 = 108


Ms. Jay bought 9 kg of steak and 7 kg of chicken from the store. If she paid $8.50 per kg of steak and $7.00 per kg of chicken, how much did the meat cost her?

Kaden: How many dimes and nickels do you need to make seventy five cents?

9 X 8.50 = $76.50 the steak cost

7 X 7.00 = $49.00 the chicken cost

total $125.50

Kaden: seven dimes, one nickel


What is x?

3X - 6 = 21

Kaden: What is 21 - 6 = 

X= 9

Kaden: 21 - 6 = 15


What place value is the 6 in?

2 086 075



What is 70% of 80?

Kaden: 70 + 80 =

70% of 80 

cross multiply, 100X = 70X80=5600 divide by 100 = 56

Kaden: 70 + 80 = 150


A rectangle has a perimeter of 56 cm and an area of 192 cm squared. Its length is 16 cm what is its width?

Kaden: 5 X 12 =

16 + 16 = 32

56 - 32 = 24 divide 2 = 12 cm width

16 x 12 = 192 cm squared

Kaden: 5 X 12 = 60


A fisherman sold two kinds of salmon. Pink salmon sold for $5.20 per kg, and sockeye sold for $7.50 per kg. If he sold 5 kg of pink salmon and 12 kg of sockeye, how much was the total value of the sales? He has $120.00 in his wallet does he have enough money? If so, how much does he get back?

Kaden: How many quarters make $4.00?

5.20 X 5 = $26.00

7.50 X 12 = $90.00

21.00 + 90.00 = $116.00

120.00 - 116.00 = $4.00 back

Kaden: 16 quarters


What is x?

4X = 12 X 3

Kaden: 24 - 4 = 

X= 9

Kaden 24 - 4 = 20


What place value is the 2 in?

13 976 257

