Where does Holling attend school?
Camillo Junior High
What does Mrs. Bigio bake for the Wives of Vietnam Soldiers meeting?
cream puffs
Who is Meryl Lee accused of flirting with in music class?
What was the name of the character Holling performed in the play?
What does Holling's sister paint on her cheek in the October chapter?
a yellow flower
Who smokes in Holling's household?
his mother
What are Mrs. Baker's rats' names?
Sycorax and Caliban
Identify two things that impresses Holling about The Tempest.
possible answers attempted murders, storm, witches/wizards, spirits, drunk characters, monster, cussing/curses
Who is Mickey Mantle?
What band does Holling's sister listen to loudly in her room?
The Monkees
Who is Mr. Guareschi?
the principal at Holling's school
Who is the villain in The Merchant of Venice?
What contract does Hoodhood and Associates get in this chapter?
Baker Sporting Emporium
Why doesn't Holling complain about Mrs. Bigio's cooking?
Her cooking was due to her being upset about the death of her husband. It would be impolite to speak rudely to someone in mourning.
What part is Holling given in the Shakespeare Holiday Extravaganza?
Who is the playground monitor when Holling "takes out" Doug Swieteck's brother?
save his allowance for three weeks
Why does Mr. Goldman agree to give Holling the cream puffs even though he is $2.80 short?
Why is Doug Swieteck's brother waiting for Holling after state testing is finished?
Holling hit Doug Swieteck's brother with a snowball while he was riding on the bumper of the bus.
What is the name of the Catholic church in Holling's town?
St. Adelbert's
What book has Holling read four times?
What group brought Mai Thi to the U.S.?
Catholic Relief Agency
What simile and personification does Holling use to describe his corrected test?
"It looked like the test was bleeding to death."
According, to Mrs. Baker, why did Shakespeare write?
"Shakespeare did not write for your ease of reading. He wrote to express something about what it means to be a human being in words more beautiful than had ever yet been written."
Give three examples about the dad doesn't support Holling.
-Not going to the hospital.
-Not listening about Mrs. Baker due to work.
-Not listening about his Ariel costume due to Mr. Goldman's potential business.