Location of criterias.
What is the Donor Reference Library?
Template used for patients that die in the emergency department.
What is ER Death template?
Who is OCMEO?
Where to see who the on-call organ coordinator is.
What is the 'Schedule' widget on iTransplant?
Type of time of death in which the heart stops beating and there is no electrical activity in the heart.
What is asystole?
Needed if patient is found to be hemodiluted.
What are pre-transfused samples?
Information to obtain if M.E./Coroner question is answered as 'yes'.
What is the M.E./Coroner's name and phone number?
The reason that certain items on the referral that you would ask normally should not be asked for during an M.E. Referral.
What is not admitted to a hospital?
Phrase that should be stated at the end of every vented referral call.
What is 'Please do no extubate until you hear from the organ coordinator'?
PEA, V-tach, V-fib etc.
What are types of cardiac rhythms?
Can only be ruled out if a doctor states as cause of death.
What is sepsis?
The reason why we need the name of the EMS company.
What is Docuware?
What we request if they are requiring us to go post-autopsy.
What is drawing bloods, no vitreous?
Length of time after a page goes unacknowledged that a second one needs to go out.
What is 5 minutes?
When LTKA is needed.
What is unwitnessed arrest and no cardiac rhythm?
The four processors we always call to screen with after authorization if suitable.
Who are LeMaitre, Artivion, BBA and Solvita?
Most important thing to clarify during an ER Death referral.
What are circumstance surrounding death?
What OCMEO does for us that no other M.E. does.
What is approaching families?
Finish this phrase: "Once an OTE, _______".
What is "Always an OTE"?
Patient has periods of PEA en route to hospital; type of time of death needed.
What is asystole?
Maximum number of days since last positive COVID test that rules out both eye and tissue donation.
What is 10 days?
Section that the alias name/DOB should be moved to once we get the identification of the patient.
What is the ER Death template, at the bottom?
Extra page in the Tracking Tab that needs to be filled out when speaking with a medical examiner.
What is the medical examiner info page?
Last step of finishing a third party organ referral.
What is 'pushing' the case?
Patient is found unresponsive on sidewalk with no pulse, unknown down time. EMS transports to hospital while performing CPR and hospital obtains brief period of v-tach; Type of time of death needed.