Generalized negative beliefs, attitudes, or assumptions about a group of people
Not all health differences are
Health disparities
______ are health differences that are avoidable, unnecessary, and unjust.
health inequalities
____ and _____ have a striking association with health
Income & Education
SDOH stands for...
Social Determinants of Health
Differential access to goods, services, and opportunities based on perceived racial identity
Institutional racism
______ is the value underlying a commitment to reduce and ultimately eliminate health dis- parities.
Health equity
_____________ are inequitable, even when we do not know the causes, because they put an already economically/socially disadvantaged group at further disadvantage with respect to their health.
Health disparities
Personal resources such as education and income and the social environments in which people live, work, study, and engage in recreational activities are examples of:
“upstream” social determinants of health
This group remains largely unaware of racial/ethnic health disparities
general public
Use of science to support the belief that White people are superior and POC are inferior; POC disproportionately bearing the harms of science while White people disproportionately reap the benefit
Scientific racism
Refers to the unfavorable social, economic, or political conditions that some groups of people systematically experience based on their relative position in social hierarchies. It means restricted ability to participate fully in society and enjoy the benefits of progress.
Social disadvantage
Process by which socially oppressed people critically examine their social conditions and take steps to advance social liberation
Critical consciousness
Hurricane Katrina, H1N1 pandemic, Ebola, COVID-19 and even seasonal flu outbreaks serve as examples of the consequences of___________ in underresourced and underserved communities
individual level factors that contribute to the development and maintenance of racism
discrimination or racial prejudices
Unfairly over- or undervaluing specific racialized groups on the basis of racial prejudices
Racial biases
Health disparities are _________ linked with social disadvantage, and may reflect social disadvantage, although a causal link does not need to be demonstrated.
Differential quality of medical care and availability of evidence-based treatments provided to POC relative to White people
Medical racism
Medical care; environmental factors, such as air pollution; and health behaviors, such as smoking, seeking or forgoing medical care, and not adhering to treatment guidelines are examples of:
"Downstream" social determinants of health
this requires researchers to identify their own degrees of privilege through factors of race, class, educational attainment, income, ability, gender, and citizenship, among others
Social Positionality
Opinions, beliefs, attitudes, or assumptions about racialized groups based on stereotypes and often without firsthand
Racial prejudices
____________ refers to residing in a neighborhood where there is concentrated poverty and/or the social disadvantages that often accompany it.
environmental disadvantage
_____ involves actively deconstructing White supremacy by placing the source of racial disparities on racism in society as opposed to on individual POC
For the health equity movement, the challenge is to clarify this connection for _______ and to not focus exclusively on how physicians and hospitals can reduce disparities.
policy makers
this is at the heart of health inequity