The GCF of 12 and 18
What is 6?
What is Operations?
Make these whole numbers into fractions.
What is 6/1, 126/1,14/1,102/1
The area of a rectangle with the base of 5ft and the height of 3 ft.
What is 15 sq ft?
Mascot of South Creek Middle/High
What is the South Creek Cougars?
The LCM of 12 and 18.
What is 36?
Solve 9-5/(8-3)x 2+6
What is 13?
Add these fractions
What is ³⁄₃?
You are given three triangles connected to each other, what is the area formula you will use for each?
What is A=1/2bh
The state Ms. Jackson went to college in.
What is Tennessee?
The object you use to remember how to find the GCF, the object that you use to remember how to find the LCM.
GCF: a Cake
LCM: a Ladder
The order we work from if we have addition and subtraction or multiplication and division in a problem.
What is left to right?
Add these decimals together: 62.5+12.5=
What is 75?
The difference between 2D and 3D shapes.
What is 3D shapes you can pour water in, 2D shapes are flat.
What is Raleigh?
The GCF of 6,24,18
What is 6?
Solve 14-(6+2)+2
What is 9?
I want to buy a pack of gum. I need 70 cents but I only have 20 cents in my purse. How much do I need to find to be able to buy my pack of gum?
What is .50 cents?
Find the area of a triangle with the base of 4 ft and the height of 6ft.
The Area=24 sq ft
The country that has the Great Pyramids.
What is Egypt?
The meaning of GCF.
The meaning of LCM.
What is the Greatest Common Factor?
What is the Least Common Multiple?
Solve 7x(3+4)
What is 49?
Solve: ⅘-⁶⁄₁₅=
What is ⁶⁄₁₅?
Squares, trapezoids, and rectangles are examples of.
What are parallelograms?
Name one of Ms. Jackson's pets.
What is:
Cat, fish, hamster