What food does a panda eat?
What game gives you a list of items to find?
Scavenger hunt
what flower is red and means used a lot on valentines day
If a counselor says macaroni and cheese, what do you say?
Everyone freeze
Where is the place that athletes have a race at?
A track
What type of animal is a "doe"?
What game is it called when you race through the playground?
obstacle course
What tree does syrup from from?
Maple tree
True or false: It is okay to leave the classroom without telling a counselor.
In a race that is held at a speedway, are people racing by running or driving cars?
Driving cars
A group of wolves is called a ....
What game is it called when kids stop and go
Red light Green light
How do bees help the flowers grow?
Name all the counselors in the blue Group
Victoria, Parham, and Natalia
In this race, a person holds an object on a spoon. What is the object?
An egg
What animal is the largest mammal in the world?
What games is it called when you sit in a circle and one person taps each others head
Duck Duck Goose
What plant is used on Saint Patricks day?
4 leaf clover
If you see something bad happening at camp, what should you do?
Tell a counselor right away!
In this race you run for a very long time! 26 miles to be exact? It is called LA…
What do penguins gift each other?
A pebble
What games is it called when you dance around chairs and freeze
Musical chairs
What plant does not require a lot of water
succulent/ cactus
True or false: It is okay to grab and push my friend as long as we both agree we are playing a game!
Name a person that is famous for racing?
Usain Bolt. etc.