Classroom Norms
About Me

True or False: Are we going to be throwing art materials or running around the classroom?

No. Doing either of these things will result in immediate documentation and it will be sent home to parent/guardian


What baseball team did I play on in the early 2000s?

Little League Jackie Robinson Baseball Team


What is one of the ways in order to become a classroom helper?

Following classroom norms, or if I see that you're improving on behavior in class


What is the student/parent & guardian contract?

Contract showing you understand classroom norms and expectations, consequences for being out of bounds with the contract, as well as giving student & parents updates about progress in class and weekly updates with classroom assignments/projects

What was one of the things that got me interested in art?

Coloring on bedroom walls, tracing coloring pages, and drawing in 6th grade


What will happen to the class period that is on task with behavior and turning assignments in on time?

They will be able to get either a movie day, chill day, pizza or game day


True or False: I can get out of my seat without asking permission

No. You need to ask permission in order to get out of seat


What are Mr. Varnado's interests?

Painting, drawing, photography, graffiti, human anatomy drawing, cartoons/comics.


True or False: I will recommend art opportunities to students who I've seen not only artistically, but also is consistent with following classroom expectations

Yes. I will only provide opportunities to students who are following classroom norms/expectations.


If the teacher is talking, will I be talking over the teacher?

No. Unless I call you to have the floor to speak, you will not be talking when I'm talking. Remember, RESPECT GOES BOTH WAYS.


True or False: I lived on the West Side of Chicago for 2 years before moving back to the South Side?

True. I briefly stayed on the West Side from 2004-2005. Moved back to the South Side in 2006.


Am I working on an art club at this time?

Yes. I'm currently planning the curriculum for an after school program. I will not give confirmation until it is approved.


What day will I be sending parents/guardians updates about upcoming lesson plans and assignments?

Sunday night. Meaning, parents will be informed weekly about what goes on in my classroom


Which celebrity is Mr. Varnado related to?

Snoop Dogg and Sasha Banks


Will I be using student's interest in the lesson plans to help students grasp art concepts and skills?

Yes. Any interest that students have (whether it's anime, cartoons, movies, etc) it will be implemented. Hence, the anchor chart activity I had students do today (that will count as participation)
