Sum of all chemical reactions in the body
What is Metabolism
studying the body by region or area
What is Regional anatomy
positively charges bits, large, forms nucleus
What are protons
contains brain and spinal cord- cranial and spinal portions
What is the dorsal cavity
Epithelial, connective, muscle, nervous, (group of specialized cells working together)
What are tissues
Ability to direct and respond to changes in the environment
What is Responsiveness
Breaks the body down into discrete working systems such as skeletal, muscular, reproductive, etc
What are examples of Systemic Anatomy
Neutral bits, large, forms nucleus
what are neutrons
dives body in cranial and caudal parts that are not equal
what is Transverse plane
Groups of tissue working together to perform specific function (single- brain, paired- kidney)
what are organs
Increase size of cells or number or cells
What is growth
Studying via systems
What is systemic anatomy
Small, orbits nucleus, negatively charges bits, mobile
contains most of viscera- further divided into thorax and abdomen
what is the ventral cavity
Structural units of the body, smallest subdivision of body capable of life
What is the cell
Process whereby unspecialized cells become specialized
what is Differentiation
divides body into dorsal and ventral parts that are not equal
what is the dorsal plane
Groups of tissue involved in common activity (digestive, circulatory) and a convenient way to study
What are systems
Formation of new cells for growth, repair or replacement, or the production of a new individual
What is reproduction
example: Thoracic, cranial, abdominal
What are examples of regional anatomy
Divides body into left and right parts that are not equal
what is sagittal plane
plane that divides body into equal left and right halves
what is median plane