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Where was the guilt offering suppose to go on the cart

1.  in a chest beside the ark

2.  inside the ark

3.  in a bag next to the ark


Who sent panic into the philistine camp

1.  God

2.  David

3.  Saul


Where did Jesse tell David to go

1.  to the pasture

2.  to his brothers in the army camp

3.  to Jesse's house


What did david say in the letter he sent with Uriah to Joab

1.  Put Uriah out front

2.  then withdraw from him so he will be struck down and die

3.  both


Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff they comfort me

psalm 23:4

Who took the ark off the cart in Beth Shemesh

1.  the levites

2 Joshua of Beth Shemesh

3.  the Jebusites


Where did the battle move next after the Philistines panicked

1.  hebron

2.  Beth Avon

3.  Golan


Why was Saul afraid of David

1.  Because Saul had seen what David had done to the philistines

2.  Because Saul had a vision of David

3.  because the Lord was with David but had departed from saul


Where was mephilbosheth when David first asked about him

1.  Gibeah

2.  Lo debar

3.  bethal

Create in me a pure heart O God and renew a steadfast spirit within me

psalm 51:10


Where did the men of Beth Shemesh decide to send the ark

1 House of Obed Edom

2.  Jeruselem

3.  Ebenezer

4.  Kiriath Jearim


What sign would it be if the PHilistines told JOnathan an his armor bearer to come up

1.  they should run back to Saul

2.  The Lord was telling them to flee

3.  They should say put

4.  the Lord had given the Philistines into their hands


what did David say to Goliath after Goliath threatened him

1.  I am a mighty warrior 

2.  this day shall be your last

3.  I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty

4.  You come against me with threats but I'm not scared


after Nathan told David a story what message did Nathan give him from God

1.  I anointed you king over Isreal

2.I saved you from the Philistines

3.  I gave you food and clothing

4.  all


Romans 12:21

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.


How long did Samuel continue to lead Isreal

1.  30 more years

2.  all the days of his life

3.  20 years total

4.  30 years total


What did the Isrealites who had hidden the Ephraim do when they heard the Philistines were on the run

1.  they fought the isrealites

2.  they hid deeper in the hills

3.  they joined the battle

4.  they fled with the philistines


who did convinced Saul to let David live

1.  Samuel

2.  the Lord

3.  Michal

4.  Jonathan


What did the david do after nathan rebuked him

1.  why are you rebuking me

2.  I have done nothing wrong

3.  i have sinned against the lord

4.  leave me alone


1 Timothy 4;12

Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love in faith and in purity


What would the king take from the Isrealites

1.  their best fields, vineyards and olive groves

2.  their houses

3.  their shops and tents

4.  all of the above


Who said the Lord has torn the kingdom of Israel from you today

1.  saul

2.  samuel

3.  david

4.  eli


What did Saul tell Ahimelek would  happen to him and his whole family

1.  They would be raised up in Saul's kingdom

2.  they would become slaves

3.  they would die

4.  they would be rewarded with wealth


Who did the Lord say he would no longer oppress the Isrealites

1.  saul's children

2.other kings

3.  wicked people

4.  David's children

psalm 26:5-6

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.  YOu anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.  Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever
