Bad Guys of History
General Knowledge
Meaning of History
General Science

He was traumatized by his father's inappropriate expectations for a male grandchild, as well as diseases from his inappropriate lifestyle. His wives should be careful!

Who is Henry VIII?


This gigantic mountain range is relatively young at 50 million years old. That's younger than the Dinosaurs!

What are the Himalayas?


Merriam-Webster's Dictionary uses this short and succint definition of History.

What is "a tale or story"?


Humans generally receive this many Chromosomes (Genetic Information) for each parent.

What are 23 Chromosomes?


Bilbo Baggins found this in Gollum's Cave and claimed it as a reward for outsmarting the creature.

What is The Ring of Power?


This Dominican Priest in the 1500s sold indulgences in what was determined to be a heretical manner. He passed away shortly thereafter due to nearly starving himself in response.

Who is Johann Tetzel?


He was President during the 9/11 Terror Attacks, and though many made fun of his intelligence, others were reassured that America was in the hands of a man who grew up understanding the job, as his father had also been President.

Who is George W. Bush?


He prefers to define History as the collection of real stories, their causes and their effects.

Who is Mr. Mount?

Water is considered 'Blue' because this Element has a blue hue when gathered into large concentrations.

What is Oxygen?


The diary of this little girl, who was lost in the Holocaust, is still a best seller and considered essential in understanding the fear and discrimination felt by Jews in Europe in the 1940s.

Who is Anne Frank?


He was given this nickname by his father's Legions and it stuck for the rest of his tragic life, even as the Emperor.

Who is Caligula or "Little Boots"?


This mountain range is often considered small or less important to many, due to not being very large. However, this is because it is one of the oldest mountain ranges in the world, predating plant life, the rings of Saturn, and it spans across three continents.

What are the Appalachian Mountains?


Historians claim this morbid reason as the overall position that History cannot begin or be studied until about 80 years have passed.

What is "Everyone is dead and can't lie anymore"?


If I was using the Magnetic Northern Pole of a Magnet, this side of an opposing Magnet would be attracted.

What is the Magnetic Southern Pole?


Shakespeare asked "To be or ___  __  __ that is the question."

What is "Not to be"?


He might be among the many who committed monstrous acts of horror during the Second World War as Kommandant of the Plascowz Concentration Camp, that Historians would willingly consider him a truly evil man.

Who is Amon Goth?


90% of Canadians live within this many miles of the US Border.

What is 100 miles?


This Dominican Priest made the Via Negativa famous in Philosophical circles when he applied it to the question 'What is God?'

Who is Thomas Aquinas?


This type of Celestial Storm and Wind are what cause the Northern Lights, also known as the Aurora Borealis.

What are Solar Storms and Winds?


Banned in many American schools due to its usage of the N word, Mark Twain's bestseller is actually about the destructiveness that word and that the discrimination of Black Americans has blinded us to their equal humanity.

What is Huckleberry Finn?


After receiving a vision from a horse god, this man, named 'Blacksmith' at birth, nearly conquers the world.

Who is Ghengis Khan?


This is the only known venomous mammals on earth, and oddly enough only the males are venomous.

What are platypus?


_______ is to contradict or deny something.

What is Negation?


Until the 2000s, this was considered to be the 9th Planet in our solar system. However, scientists now understand that this planetoid should not be considered a planet. "My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nothing?!"

What is Pluto?


Although Harry Potter and his family were torn apart by Professor Trelawney's Prophecy, this eventual graduate of Hogwarts was also attacked as the Death Eaters feared he too could fulfill the prophecy in killing Lord Voldemort.

Who is Neville Longbottom?
