Classroom Procedures
Classroom Mission
Classroom Standards
Class Duties
Pick up handouts on the shelf.
What is the first thing you should do when you enter the room?
Change agents
Who are we?
Follow directions the first time they are given
What is standard 1?
Sept. 2nd
What is the due date for your signed syllabus?
Take note of agenda and designated time for each activity Monitor time throughout class and give squad timestamps (e.g. 1 minute warning) Make sure we are on schedule. If not, alter timestamps.
What is the time agent responsibilities?
5 minutes (unless otherwise noted)
What is the time you have to do your warm-up?
People who act as catalysts for change.
What are we?
What is standard 2 and one how?
What: Be intentional with what you say, when you say it and how you say it How: Think carefully about whether what you want to say will help or hurt Select words carefully to best articulate your argument Give others your attention when they speak by staying quiet and engaged 24/48 rule (if someone says something that bothered you, let them know within 24 hours and let it go within 48 hours)
3-prong binder with additional pockets (designated section ONLY for English) Composition book (designated ONLY for writing prompts) Electronic device (tablet/laptop/cell phone) to access learning management systems blue/black ink pens #2 Pencils (for testing) Pack of sheet protectors and dry erase markers Appropriate uniform attire (RED polo shirt/ KHAKI bottoms) Visibility of student ID at ALL times Positive attitudes!!
What are three required materials for class?
Select a career or trade that interests you to feature for the week Fill out career profile and place in binder by beginning of class Monday Give 5 minute presentation on the featured career on “Make it Mondays” Make sure time is allocated for your presentation
What is the career agent responsibilities?
Make it Monday
What is the theme for career profiles?
Our lives literally depend on it
Why are we?
What: Keep your body and objects to yourself Why: Touch and proximity affect people differently Our presence should contribute to a positive and safe learning environment
What is standard three and the why?
Google classroom, Socrative and Poll Everywhere
What are the three sites you need for this classroom?
When Ms. Castle says it is time to leave.
What time do you leave class?
When you enter class on the third shelf.
When and where you turn in homework.
Name three.
How are we change agents?
What: Take ownership of your learning and needs How: Come to class on time, ready to fulfill your responsibilities Determine your needs Advocate for and pursue your needs as well as academic wants Be aware and considerate of other people's needs Ask questions Why: Take advantage of opportunities or be taken advantage of as an opportunity Our being can and should contribute to positive change
What is the what, how and why of standard 4?
Grading Policy Classwork 40% Interactive readers Silent Reading (at teacher’s discretion) Group work Written reflections Homework 10% Google Classroom discussions (at teacher’s discretion) Guided Reading Questionnaires Collections Close Reader Extension activities Additional resources Assessments 50% Test/Quizzes Papers/Presentations Projects Portfolios
What is the grading policy?
Familiarize with world news for the week Give 5 mins presentation on major headlines and events in the world Provide class with information to learn more about the topics
What is the world agent responsibilities?
Student performs the routine.
What is the entire classroom procedure?
Answer varies
Why are we on a mission?
What: Follow directions the first time they are given What: Be intentional with what you say, when you say it and how you say it What: Keep your body and objects to yourself What: Take ownership of your learning and needs
What are the community standards?
participation- i will take pride in Potomac by becoming a valuable member of its academic programs, sports teams, and extracurricular activities. perseverance- i will overcome any adversity or challenge that i face. Positivity- I will be positive in my words, thoughts, and actions at all times. punctuality- I will arrive before time of all of my classes and extracurricular activities. purpose- i have a 4+2 plan that will help me succeed at Potomac and achieve my dreams and goals.
What are the 5 Ps?
Name 5 class duties
What are 5 of the class duties?