How was the wh grapheme different in old English?
What is hw
How do you spell this word -
Which number is in the thousandths place.
What is 1
How many months of the year have 28 days?
What is ALL of them!
What is a group of crows called?
What is a stanza
What is a division of a poem consisting of two or more lines arranged together as a unit.
What do we call the body part between upper thigh and hip?
What are haunches?
What is the nearest whole number to 9.803
What is 10
Imagine you are in a room with no windows or doors. How will you get out?
What was the first animal to go into orbit?
What is a dog
What is a prose?
What is everyday writing
How many sounds and how many syllables in whisper
5 sounds and 2 syllables
What can you put between 7 and 8, to make the result greater than 7, but less than 8?
What is a decimal point.
I make a loud sound when I’m changing. When I do change, I get bigger but weigh less. What am I?
What is popcorn
What famous Australian children's author wrote "Where Is The Green Sheep?"
Who is Mem Fox
What is the poem The Fog about?
What is fog over a harbor and city.
What does homely mean?
What is 0.97
You’ll find me in Mercury, Earth, Mars and Jupiter, but not in Venus or Neptune. What am I?
What is the letter r
How many kilometres are run in a marathon?
Write your own free verse poem
Answers will vary
What does a feast for sore eyes mean?
Something remarkable or beautiful?
I bought a pen and a pencil. The total cost was $1.20. The pen cost $1 more than the pencil. How much did I spend on the pencil?
What is 10 cents. If you had 20 cents, then the pen would not have cost $1 more than the pencil.
Take one out and scratch my head I am now black but once was red.
What is a match
What company was originally called "Cadabra"?
What is Amazon