To Be, Adjectives
To Have, Present progressive
Numbers, Time
Possessives adjectives

When do we use the verb TO BE in English? For what type of information?

To Be is used for: name, age, job, nationality, emotions, description, location.


When do we use the verb To Have?

We use the verb To Have for possessions (things, children...)

Ex: I have two dogs. She has three children.


Count from 1 to 20. 

One, two, three... sixteen, seventeen... twenty...


Name the body parts:

1- You use these to write and type on a computer.

2- You use this talk and sing.

Hands and/or fingers.

Mouth and/or teeth and/or tongue.


What are possessive adjectives? What do they describe?

Possessive adjectives talk about possession. They are always used with a NOUN.

Examples: My car is blue. Your car is black.

They refer to the PERSON who has the object, not the actual object.

Example: Kathy has a son. HER son (not his!) is young.


Conjugate the verb TO BE positive: I.... You... She/he/it... We.... You... They...

I am - You are - She/he/it is - You are - We are - They are.


Conjugate the verb Have. Then, try to make 2 examples to describe your car, your house, or your family.

I have, You have, She/he/it has, We have, You have, They have... 

Examples: I have a small car. She has a small dog. We have a big house. They have a new baby. 


Please say your age in English.

I am... *various answers*.


What is the difference between A and AN? (For singular objects) Why do we have two variations?

A = used with a SINGULAR noun/object/place that starts with a consonant, Ex: A car, A plane, A table, A chair, a house... A uniform**

AN = used with a SINGULAR noun/object/place that starts with a vowel, Ex: An igloo, An apple... An hour**


Describe what you are wearing (my...) and what a classmate is wearing (his...her...). Use a possessive adjective when possible.


My pants are... My shoes are... My shirt is...

His pants are black. OR Her shirt is white.

*various answers possible*


Conjugate the verb TO BE in the negative form: I.... You... She/he/it... We.... You... They...

I am not/I'm not - You are not/You aren't - She/he/it is not/isn't - You are not/aren't - We are not/aren't - They are not/aren't 

OR She's not, You're not, We're not, They're not...


Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb HAVE:

They _____ a car.

She ______ a house.

He _____ an umbrella.

They HAVE a car.

She HAS a house.

He HAS an umbrella.


How do you read these numbers:

1, 244

Year: 1997

Year: 2023

One thousand two hundred forty-four

Nineteen ninety-seven

Two thousand and twenty-three OR twenty twenty-three


Make these objects plural and say the "S" correctly:

Arm, Eye, Pencil, Chair, Phone, Baby, Child, Computer, Watch, Bee, and Student.

Arms, eyes, pencils, chairs, phones, babies, children*, computers, watches, bees, students.


Use the correct possessive adjective (my... your...his/her...) or subject pronoun (I, you, he...): Nancy has a red car. ____ car is fast. _____ is a good driver.

Nancy has a red car. HER car is fast. SHE is a good driver.


What is an adjective? Give 2 or 3 examples.

An adjective describes a person or place. It can be a colour, a texture, a size... Examples: small, blue, big, square, smooth...


Can you explain how to use Present Continuous/Present Progressive? Give an example if possible.

Present Continuous/Progressive: A live action, an action in progress - right now, at the moment - temporary. We use AM/IS/ARE + ____ING (verb).

I am drinking water. She is playing tennis. We are studying English.


Read these times (clock) correctly:




Four forty-five OR a quarter to five

Two thirty OR half past two

Six fifteen OR a quarter past six


Attach an article (a/an) to the objects in the list:

Chair, table, sink, armchair, umbrella, organized kitchen.

A chair, a table, a sink, AN armchair, AN umbrella, AN *organized kitchen.

*Adjectives before the noun influence the article.


Are these sentences correct? If there are mistakes, try to correct them.

Jack has a family. Her family is big. He has five children. His names are Nancy, John, Amanda, Robert, and Benjamin.

Jack has a family. HIS family is big. He has five children. THEIR names are Nancy, John, Amanda, Robert, and Benjamin.


What does it mean if you are HUNGRY? ANGRY? FAMOUS? INTELLIGENT? Explain these adjectives or give an example/a facial expression.

Hungry: you need to eat food.

Angry: you are NOT happy.

Famous: many people know you.

Intelligent: you are smart, you have intelligence.


Conjugate the following sentences with the NEGATIVE form of Present Continuous. Use contractions if possible.

1- She _____________ (study) French right now.

2- They _____________ (not clean) the house today.

3- At the moment, we _____________ (read) a book.

1- She is studying French right now.

2- They are not cleaning/aren't cleaning the house today.

3- At the moment, we are reading a book.


What time is it right now? What time does your class start and finish? Please give BOTH versions of time (easy and difficult).

*various answers*


What are some necessary items to travel with? Name 7 items. Example: You need to bring ... A passport.

A bag/suitcase, sunscreen, a book, a visa, warm or light clothes, a charger, a phone, a hat, sunglasses...


Are these sentences possible? If not, explain why.

I have a car. My is orange. It goes very fast. Your car is small and your is cheap.

I have a car. My CAR is orange. It goes very fast. Your car is small and your CAR is cheap.

When you use a possessive adjective, it is necessary to mention the object (car, table, cat...) that belongs to the owner. "My" or "Your" or "His/Her"... "Their"... cannot exist alone.
