Thyroid Diseases
Lung Cancer

This disease state is characterized by hypoalbuminemia, hypercoagulability, hypogammaglobulinemia, fatty casts, and a transudative pleural effusion.

What is Nephrotic


B cells make plasma cells and plasma cells make ... 

What is antibodies. 


These are the specific autoantibodies for Graves disease?

What is thyroglobulin and anti-TSHR+. 

These tumors are chromogranin A, synaptophysin, and enolase positive with small round hyperchromic cells. 

What are neuroendocrine tumors


Autoantibody for a disease that presents with difficulty rising from a seat position or combing hair. 

What is anti-jo-1, however, there are others.


What is the hypersensitivity reaction of the disease that causes hematuria 3-4 weeks post-infection with GAS...

What is type 3 hypersensitivity reaction.


What is the DNA repair defect of the disease that characterized by a decrease in IgA, dementia, ataxia, and positive for alpha-fetoprotein? 

What is non-homologous end joining seen in Ataxia Telangiectasia. 

What is the hypersensitivy reaction of the most common cause of hypothyroidism in iodine adequate areas and a histology of  eosinophilc metaplasia of follicle lining cells. 

What is type 4 HS for Hashimotos thyroiditis. 

This presents in non-smokers, typicall females, with a good progrosis, osteoarthopathy, with mucin and glands on histology. 

What is adenocarcinoma.

This is the antibody for primary biliary cirrhosis. 

What is antimitochondrial


What histology and hypersensitivity reaction will you see in a disease with a strong association to IVDA and hepatitis B and C. 

What is tram track appearance, "splitting and thickening of the GBM and type 3 hypersensitivity. 


These bacteria prevent respiratory bursts from occurring in patients with NADPH deficiency. 

Listeria, Mycoplasma, Nocardia, Staph auerus, Pseuodmonos, Aspergillous, Candida, and E.coli in CGD.


What is the name of the disease that presents with hyperthyroidistic symptoms with histology that is focal patches of hyperfunctioning follicular cells distended in colloid. 

What is toxic multinodular goiter.

The treatment that turns off the effect of hormones for a neuroendocrine lung tummor that is most commonly found in the appendix and secreates 5HIAA in urine.

What is octreotide for carcinoid syndrome.


These are the two antibodies for Hashimotos diease 

What is antimicrosomal and antithyroglobulin. 


What is the primary defect of a nephrotic disease that is granular on IF, spike and dome on histology, and can be caused by infections, medications, autoimmune, and solid tumors? 

What is antibodies to PLA1 or PLA2R.


What is the defect of the disease with increased IgE, cold staphylococcal abscesses, primary retained baby teeth, coarse facial features, and eczema. 

What is Th17 JAK STAT pathway

What are the common side effects of the class of drugs that inhibit thyroid peroxidase reactions (i.e., coupling of MIT to DIT and iodinoation) used to treat hyperthyroidism. 

What is agranulocytosis and drug-induced SLE are common side effects of both Thioamides, which are PTU and methimizole. 


This is a paraneoplastic with a central lung mass producing hypercalcemia with an histology of keratin pearls. 

What is PTHrp in squamous cell carcinoma of the lung. 


The antibodies for this diease are anti-Ro and anti-La

What is Sjogrens syndrome with dry eyes, dry mouth, etc. 


What type of arteriosclerosis is seen at the efferent and afferent arterioles and is due to nonenzymatic glycosylation of the vascular basement membrane?

What is hyaline arteriosclerosis. 


What are the features of a disease that is a T-cell defect only due to aberrant 3/4th pouches?

What is CATCH-22


What is the treatment of the disease that can present with hyperthyroid symptoms before hypothyroid symptoms and goiter is always tender.

What are NSAIDS for Subacute granulomatous disease. 

Hyponatremia, hypokalemia, moon facies, buffalo hump, abdominal striae, and muscle weakess due to antibodies against presynaptic Ca channels are the paraneoplastis of which lung tumor?

What is small cell carcinoma of the lung who's paraneoplastics are SIADH, Cushings, and Lambert Eaton. 

This antibody is anti-DNA toposimerase I 

What is diffuse scleroderma
