Physical Education Objectives
Soccer / Baseball
Muscle Groups
Types of Exercises
Resistance Training

This Objective focuses on:

  • The development of strength and power

  • The development of good health

  • The ability to play for a long time without getting tired

 What is  the Physical Fitness Objective.


In Baseball, this is the amount of players, on defense, on the field at one time.

What is 9.


These muscles help control motion of the shoulder and elbow.  They are also used for forearm rotation when using a screwdriver.

What are the biceps.


This is an alternative name for cardiorespiratory exercise.

What is aerobic exercise.


 Advantages of this form of training are: no cost of equipment, you can workout anywhere, you have access full range of motion for joints.

What is Body Weight Training.


This objective focuses on: 

  • The ability to play games with caution and being careful to avoid injury

  • The careful handling of sports equipment 

  • The ability to save your life and perhaps to save others in the sports field

What is the Safety Objective.


In soccer, this is the amount of players on the field for both teams at one time.

What is 22.


These muscles are involved in many shoulder joint movements.  They are activated when reaching across your body or behind yourself. 

What are pectorals or pecs.

The acronym HIIT stands for what.

What is High Intensity Interval Training.


Advantages of this training equipment are:  the amount of weight can be easily changed, it can be used to isolate certain muscle, it is considered less intimidating.

What is cable weight machines.


This objective focuses on:

  • Knowing the history of various games

  • The ability to distinguish and differentiate various games skills

  • Developing team tactics and winning strategy

What is the Knowledge Objective.


In Baseball, there are 4 ways discussed in the video in which a batter can be called out. Name 3.

What are: Thrown/Forced Out, Tagged Out, Fly Out, Strikeout


These muscles assist in the breathing process, and protect inner organs. They are used for twisting, and also used when bending over, as well as, maintaining good posture.

What are the Abdominals.


These are the two most popular types of exercise stretching.

What is Static and Dynamic stretching.


Advantages of this training equipment are: its versatility, it can be wrapped around body, and it can provide progressive resistance (they provide increase of resistance throughout the range of exercise).

What are resistance bands.


This objective focuses on:

  • Mastering the correct ways of performing some physical activities like landing, jumping, etc.

  • Acquiring skills necessary for certain sporting activities like swimming, athletics, gymnastics, game, etc.

  • Developing skills in sporting activities

What is the Skills Objective.


In soccer, to be considered ________, you must be an attacker on the opposing team, across the half line behind the last defender when a pass is coming toward you.

What is offside.


These muscles are used to bend your knees, and help propel your body forward when walking, running, or jumping.

What are the hamstrings.


In this type of training you are combining strength and cardio exercises at a high intensity, very similar to HIIT.

What is circuit training.


Resistance bands are essentially, what type of bands.

What are tension bands.


This objective focuses on: 

  • Sharing with others in celebrating a won sports competition

  • Substituting sadness for joy and feeling happy while watching others playing games of your choice

What is the Psychological Objective.


In 1947, what athlete broke the color barrier in Major League Baseball, and also received the Rookie of the Year award in that same year?

Who is Jackie Robinson.


These muscles help the legs straighten.  They are key muscles used during hip rotation.

What are the quads.


An improvement of joint range of motion and physical function is the aim of which type of training.

What is Flexibility training.


Advantages of this form of training equipment are: they can be used in many different ways, used to improve speed and power, used as a free weight, used to improve stability and coordination.

What are medicine balls.
