Journal Related Questions
Mutual Aid Localized
Group Dynamics


Which topic did you choose to devote endless resources to?


Hong Kong

Spade mentions the example of the Hong Kong protest movement using online tools for mutual aid. How can technology play a role in facilitating or expanding mutual aid efforts? Are there potential drawbacks to using technology in this context?


Looking Internally

 What do you do to keep yourself from overworking?



Would you prefer your education (at least in advanced/intermediate/upperclass courses) to be structured hands-on around real-world problems, almost like a client-consultant relationship for governments and institutions or hands-off and in the classroom reading or preparing projects solely for the instructure? I thought about how bringing universities/students together with governments could be effective in my journal response and wonder if others would like to work more directly with outside partners in upper-level university courses like we do in this class. 


Facing reality

When considering the question of what we would do with infinite time and resources, do you think that some of these issues could be solved with feasible amounts of time and resources? Or, does the perfect solution necessitate a utopian world with limitless time and resources?


Hurricane Maria

  • In Mutual Aid, Spade writes on MADR and their work during Hurricane Maria. Spade includes a statement made by MADR that really stuck out to me. MADR states that "disaster survivors themselves are the most important authority on just action." All too often survivors of natural disasters are forgotten and not included in the rebuilding and recovery of their communities, especially those who were most vulnerable during these events. What are some examples of actions the community and the government can take in order to better involve the community in the process of recovery and rebuilding following disasters? 


New strategies

What are some anti-overworking strategies you found in this reading or elsewhere that you'd like to try?


Digital media

In a previous class, we discussed how digital media has created an incoherent public sphere with many fragmented groups with different goals, even if they are in the same topic generally. To me, this extends to more difficulty in creating solidarity, but I have also heard how social media can create solidarity and help educate. How do we encourage productive solidarity in a digital context? Is digital media an aid in promoting mutual aid actions? Does it promote more charity rather than aid?



Is heat resilience a topic you are interested in pursuing after college, in your career or further studies?



Are you aware of any mutual aid projects in Madison? If so, what are they focused on and how did you become aware of them? If not, what are examples of some that would be beneficial to have and why?


Challenging tradition

How does mutual aid challenge traditional notions of work and group dynamics, particularly in resisting the pitfalls of burnout and perfectionism, while fostering a culture of solidarity, resilience, and joyful commitment within communities facing crises?


I am curious to hear what everyone's opinions are about charities. I remember a long time ago I read or heard something about corporations who ask you to round up to the next dollar for some charity, and use that as a tax advantage. When I found this out I was pretty mad and I stopped rounding up, even if the money does go to a good cause I would refuse to allow any deceiving they may be doing. When you go somewhere asking you to round up what is your answer? Have you ever thought it may not be for a genuine cause but used as an advantage for the company?


Expanding knowledge

Have you been able to apply topics from your project to other coursework?



How can the concept of mutual aid (Spade, 2020) be applied to heat resilience in disadvantaged communities in Wisconsin? What communities and groups are doing this type of work, compared to places with more charity-oriented work? Which type of work do you think is more effective for building heat resilience?


Reaching beyond

Has this course shaped what other research/careers you want to look into?


Personal Community

What would be a mutual aid cause that you would be willing to join in your community? How can you expand the reach of mutual aid impacts? How can young people get more involved in mutual aid efforts?
