This makes Ryan feel brave.
What are close friends that have become family?
Lucas would create this holiday.
What is National Children's Day?
Jonathon would sell this.
What is videogames?
Angela would like to do this over.
What is filling out this sheet?
This is Angela's least favorite chore.
What is homework?
This makes Preston feel brave.
What is studying for a test?
Ryan would create this holiday.
What is Children's Day?
Angela would sell this.
What are unwanted items?
Lucas would like to do this over.
What is go back to 2002 when I was a baby?
This is Lucas' least favorite chore.
What is cleaning dishes and putting my clothes away?
This makes Angela feel brave.
What is completing anything including heights?
Angela would create this holiday.
What is a holiday where you can do absolutely anything you like?
Lucas would sell this.
What is coca cola? (Including diet coke, coke zero sugar, diet coke cherry/vanilla)
Preston would like to do this over.
What is going on vacation?
This is Jonathon's least favorite chore.
What is taking out the trash?
This makes Jonathon feel brave.
What is thinking positively?
Preston would create this holiday.
What is I dont know?
Ryan would sell this.
What are memes?
Jonathon would like to do this over.
What is his spanish quiz?
This is Ryan's least favorite chore.
What is cleaning the bathroom?
This makes Lucas feel brave.
What is helping my friend with anxiety?
Jonathon would create this holiday.
What is Christmas 2?
Preston would sell this.
What are clothes?
Ryan would like to do this over.
What is from sixth grade onwards?
This is Preston's least favorite chore.
What is doing the dishes?