Motivational Monday
Transformational Tuesday
What We Watch'n Wednesday
Life Skills Thursday

What is our Asset of the week?

Positive Family Communication


What was our topic about today (Thursday)?

Self-esteem and self worth


What book of the Bible did we cover today (Wednesday)? And how many chapters are in it?

Exodus and 40 chapters


What was our Checkpoint today (Thursday)?

Spiritual Discipline


Name each day and the name we gave them (Ex; ______ Monday)

Motivational Monday, Transformational Tuesday, What We Watch'n Wednesday, Life Skills Thursday, Fun and Family Friday.


What is the Checkpoint we covered today (Monday)?

Spiritual Discipline


What 2 disciplines did we cover during bible?

The Discipline of Engagement and The Discipline of self-denial


How many years passed before the exodus from Egypt?

400 years


What was the activity we did during bible today (Thursday)?

Taste-testing and filling our bodies up with Christ


Where did Moses receive the 62 commandments from God?

Mt. Sinai


What was the activity we did during bible?

Spiritual discipline tree


How many years has the "People's Garden" been in OTR?

40 years as of September 1st, 2020


How do the Israelites first break the Covenant? And what are God and Moses' conversation like afterwards? What is said?

They ask Moses brother, Aaron, to make them a golden calf idol (God) so they can worship it as the God who brought them out of Egypt.

God tells Moses to leave so he can destroy the Israelites, but Moses tells God to remember his Covenant promise he made Abraham and think about what his reputation would be like with the rest of the nations.


What Life Skills game consist of today? (What all did you pay for and what all did you receive)

Paid for: Rent, Utilities, Car payment, Car Insurance, Health Insurance, Life Insurance, Groceries, Entertainment + more, and student loans (if you had them)

Received: Bi-weekly pay.


What was our challenge to you during bible this week?

We challenged each student to either open or close our bible sessions


What was our enrichment activity for today (Monday)?

We had to describe a place we wanted to go on vacation at. 


Who came and performed at the celebration for the garden?

The Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra


What are the 10 commandments?

1. No false God's above God. / 2. No false Idols. / 3. Do not say God's name in vain. / 4. Keep the Sabbath day holy. / 5. Honour your mother and father. / 6. Do not commit murder. / 7. Do not commit adultery. / 8. Do not steal. / 9. Do not bear false witness against your neighbour. / 10. Do not covet your neighbors goods


What are 2 causes (that we discussed) of having a lack of spiritual discipline?

1. Listen to Satan's lies over God's truth. / 2. Shame overtakes you. / 3. Leave an open door for satan. / 4. Lose the presence of God. / 5. Prayer becomes dull. / 6. You become timid. / 7. You become spiritually weak. / 8. You become susceptible to sin.


In the book of Exodus who was born that would eventually defeat Pharaoh?



What book did our bible verse of the week come from?

Romans (Romans 12:2)


Give me at least 2 examples that fall under each discipline

Discipline of Self-Denial: Solitude, Silence, Fasting, Sabbath, Secrecy, and Submission.

Discipline of Engagement: Bible Reading, Worship, Prayer, Personal Reflection, and Service. 


What were the 10 Plagues God sent to Egypt? (Double points if you don't use your binder)

1. All the water turned to Blood. / 2. Frogs covered Egypt. / 3. The turned to Gnats and covered the people and animals. / 4. Flies filled all the houses and land of Egypt. / 5. All Egyptian livestock died. / 6. Boils broke out on all Egyptians and their livestock. / 7. Hail strikes down on everything. / 8. Locusts devour every tree and plant in Egypt. / 9. Darkness covers Egypt for 3 days. / 10. Every firstborn son and cattle in Egypt die.


Give me at least 6 out of 12 ways we can practice Spiritual Discipline

Prayer, Worship, Fellowship, Concentrating around God, Resting, Giving, Bible Study, Meditating around God, Doing activities focused around God, Fasting, Confession of Sin and Examining your life


Which NBA team and first-ballot Hall of Famer will win the championship this year?

LeBron James and the Los Angeles Lakers
