Tenants must opt in for this
What is text or SMS messaging
The three lease types in Buildium are known as these
What is Fixed, Fixed with rollover, At will
A customer says they have a "weird" Incoming request, it might be this coming from here
What is a Contact request coming from the Public site
This costs $18 each time a report is returned
What is Premium Tenant Screening
A line in the sand date is also known as this
What is Accounting Start Date
These require a "triggering" event to get sent
What is an Automated email
Changing an applicant status to this will prompt the Move in button
What is Approved
When creating a work order, you are creating this type of task
What is a To do task
EzMail is not available because this was not selected, here
What is Standard layout under Maintain layouts
Changing the property access for a user is found here
What is Staff website edit
Inviting tenants and association owners can be done in bulk on this page
What is Not invited
This person on a lease can not sign into a tenant portal
What is a co-signer
These two task types do not allow communication with Residents or Rental owners
What are To do and Contact Requests
The name of the tool provided to us to see if reports were created and synced is known as this
What is Periscope
These are two ways a Property manager can earn income
What are Management fees and Management Income
The yellow "T" in a template is referred to as this
What is a token field
To prompt the prorated rent selection, when adding a lease, these two dates must be different
What is Start date and Next due date for rent
Setting a default staff member to receive all Maintenance requests can be found here
What is Communication > Resident Center settings > Requests > Assign staff member
This add on service gives our customer the flexibility of scheduling the viewing of a unit
What is Showings Coordinator
A staff user can't see the Settings menu on their account. An Admin would have to check this, here
What is check View Administrative items in User roles
Announcements will be delivered this way
What is Resident center, email and SMS
An applicant not showing on the "Choose existing tenant or applicant" list is because of this
What is change to Approved status
Which task would be used for an Owner contribution
What is Rental Owner request
The 3 phases to HelloSign that a customer must complete are these
What is editing the original lease document for spacing, creating the template, preparing and sending the lease
The deposited money to open a bank account in Buildium is labeled as this
What is Opening balance equity