When we raise our hand that means_____
You have two minutes left at a level 0.
What is the study of land?
W.I.N. stands for __________
What I need
What is our mascot?
Holding up the number 1 means _________
The map of the world only shows the United States.
True or False.
Who is your science teacher?
Mrs. Sharp
What are the graduate profile aims?
Critical Thinker, Persistent Problem Solver, Empowered Learner, Leader, Savvy, Self-Confident and Self-Loving
When you line up for lunch you line up with your what teacher ? ( the block)
Block 3
What state do we live in?
Florida is right beside Georgia.
True or False
Level 0 means
Silent/ no talking
What do you do when I say "Class, Class"?
We say " Yes, Yes" and stop what we are doing/ drop what's in our hands and put our eyes on you.
Ms. Moorman teachers you ______ and ______
Social Studies and Writing.
S.T.E.A.M stands for....
Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math
The principal of the school is ______
Mr. Free