Is the CBT model a linear process?
What are he two states of mind in Wise Mind Model?
Emotion Mind
Reasonable Mind
What is the difference between verbal and non verbal communication?
Verbal: Message content
Non verbal: Body language
What is Distress Tolerance?
Distress tolerance is the ability to experience upsetting / intense emotions AND to cope in ways that do not involve inflicting further suffering.
`Why is it important to have consist routine on weekdays and weekends?
It is important because our body's rhythm is more easily established and maintained if we do something every day
What is the hormone closely linked to motivation?
Dopamine’s role in the brain is to create positive feelings and moods associated with reinforcement and reward that help us become motivated to continue with a task.
What DBT skill involves acting opposite to our emotion action urge?
Opposite Action
What is a benefit to being assertive?
Communicate our feelings clearly to others.
The key to building distress tolerance is finding a balance between _____ & _______.
Acceptance & Improvement
What are daily maintenance list items?
Daily maintenance list items are those things you must do everyday to keep yourself well and things you need to consider doing everyday to support optimal health.
Medication Adherence
Engage in meaningful activity
What is social anxiety?
Social Anxiety refers to an intense, longstanding and debilitating fear of social situations
According to a researcher of body language, he found out how much of our communication is verbal/non verbal/words only. Which form of communication is most dominant?
Nonverbal (55%)
Vocal (38%)
Words (7%)
What is a encouraging statement you can tell yourself when experiencing distress?
I can do this
I will get through this
I am strong
Research supports we should have ___ hours of leisure daily?
2-3 Hrs
What is an example of a Necessary vs. Extra in our energy budget?
Necessary: Putting food on the table
Extra: Making a meal from scratch
Social Anxiety occurs when we perceive a social threat. Perception is influenced by two factors:
Probability- likelihood negative predictions happening
Cost-How bad we believe it will be if it does come true
Provide an example of an I statement.
You can’t keep coming home so late! It’s so inconsiderate!
I feel worried when you come home late. I can’t fall asleep.
I feel ____ when ____.
What are the two types of opposite action specific activity categories?
Activating activities
Self Soothing
What is the difference between internal and external obstacles to lesiure?
External obstacles
•beyond our control, such as weather, other peoples’ availability, or work commitments.
Internal obstacles (tend to be our “excuses”)
•largely within our control to change, such as attitudes, time management strategies, or inadequate knowledge of resources.
Doing an activity even when we don't feel like it. Just do it.
Behavioral activation is a tool that will help you in the long-run, even if there is no instant relief.
Unhealthy avoidant behaviors are the tools that provide instant relief, but ultimately do more harm than good as they will cause our
depression to worsen.
How can we break the vicious cycle of avoidance?
Start by approaching a situation even though we may feel more anxious in the short term.
What are the four styles of communication?
Passive Aggressive
What does the STOP skill stand for?
T-Take a step back
P-Proceed Mindfully
What are the four categories leisure needs can be grouped into?
-The need for solitude, quiet time, “downtime”
-The need to be physically active
-The need for social connectedness
-The need for mental challenge or mastery