How many Categories of Skills are there?
What are the names of the Category of Skills
All-the-time skills and Calm Only skills
If I have rated myself a level 1 sad, how many skills do I use?
At what level of emotion can you use your All-the-time Skills?
Level 0-5
At what level of emotion can you use your Calm Only Skills
Level 0-3
What make me have a level 2 mad feeling?
It's snowing/raining out...again, my phone ran out of battery life and died, I am 5 minutes late getting up in the morning etc
What are the 5 All-the-time skills?
Clear Picture, On-Track Thinking, On-Track Action, Safety Plan, New-me Activities
What are the Calm Only Skills?
Problem Solving, Expressing Myself, Getting It Right, Relationship Care
What can happen if I try to express myself at a level 4 feeling or emotion?
I might yell, swear, say things that are hurtful that I don't mean etc
How to I use the Feelings Rating Scale?
I use it to let me know how strong my feelings are from 0-5
How do I know which category of skills to use?
Depending on how I rate my emotions, I will know which category of skills to use
What the does Recipe for Skills let me know, when I am using it?
The Recipe for Skills lets me know how many skills I need to use in a skills chain, depending on how I rated my feelings or emotions