July 4th History
July 4th American Traditions
July 4th Food

Why do we use inferences when reading a text?

a) to make educated guesses about information that is not explicitly stated in a text

b) to memorize key details and facts from the text 

c) to analyze the language and structure of the text

a) to make educated guesses about information that is not explicitly stated in a text


Predict what will happen next in the reading:

Peter is holding a "make your own pizza" party. He has to buy sauce, crust, and toppings for everyone. Most of the guests like pepperoni, some like sausage, and everyone likes cheese. Peter has money for only two toppings. What will he do next?

a) buy pepperoni and cheese

b) buy pepperoni and sausage

c) buy sausage and cheese

a) buy pepperoni and cheese


Which Founding Fathers died on July 4th? 

a) George Washington and Thomas Jefferson

b) Thomas Jefferson and John Adams

c) Theodore Roosevelt and JFK

b) Thomas Jefferson and John Adams

In a bizarre, though perhaps twist of fate, both Thomas Jefferson and John Adams died on July 4, 1826


What is the national bird of the United States? 

Bald Eagle


What food is most popular to eat on the 4th of July?



Which one of these sentences is an example of an inference when reading a story? 

a) The main character in the story is described as intelligent and resourceful. 

B) The protagonist's actions suggest that he is feeling guilty about something.

c) The story takes place in a small town in the mountains. 

B) The protagonist's actions suggest that he is feeling guilty about something.


Mike likes to play video games on his Switch. He's going over to his friend's house to play games today, but forgot to charge his game system. What will happen next?

a) His switch will not need charging

b) His switch will explode

c) His switch will run out of battery

c) His switch will run out of battery


What year was the Declaration of Independence signed?

a) 1779

b) 1786

c) 1776

d) 1876

c) 1776


How many stars and stripes does the US flag have?

50 stars and 13 stripes


What is considered the most American dessert?



How can making inferences help us better understand the characters in a text? 

a) By providing background information about the characters' history and motivations

b) By allowing us to make assumptions about the characters' thoughts and feelings

c) By summarizing the characters' actions and dialogue

b) By allowing us to make assumptions about the characters' thoughts and feelings


Betty goes butterfly hunting with her sister. After searching, she catches a large blue butterfly in her net and puts it in a jar with air holes. Betty is excited about her catch. What will Betty do next?

a) She will sell the butterfly

b) She will take the butterfly home to eat

c) She will show the butterfly to her friends

c) She will show the butterfly to her friends


Who was the main author of the Declaration of Independence?

Thomas Jefferson


In what city is the Liberty Bell located?

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


What side dish is often served alongside grilled meats on the 4th of July?

a) mashed potatoes 

b) potato salad

c) green bean casserole

b) potato salad


What is the difference between a direct statement in a text and an inference? 

a) Direct statements are always true, while inferences are often speculative. 

b) Direct statements are facts presented in the text, while inferences are opinions formed

c) Direct statements are clear and straightforward, while inferences require interpretation.

c) Direct statements are clear and straightforward, while inferences require interpretation.


Maria is growing a garden behind her house. The garden is very sunny. She has seeds for marigolds, orchids, and lilies. Orchids and lilies grow best in shade. What will Maria do next?

a) plant marigolds

b) plant orchids

c) plant them all

a) plant marigolds


Where was the Declaration of Independence signed?

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 


What is the national motto of the United States? 

a) In God We Trust

b) Liberty and Justice for All 

c) Land of the Free

a) In God We Trust


What popular condiment is often used to top hot dogs and hamburgers on the 4th of July?



Which of the following is an example of an inference? 

a) The main character's name is Sarah.

b) The author describes the setting as a sunny day.

c) The protagonist's actions suggest that he is feeling sad.

c) The protagonist's actions suggest that he is feeling sad.


Jason lives on a small farm. His parents need him to buy an animal to provide milk for the family. They have 2 acres of land for an animal to graze on. Cows need a larger area of land. Goats need a smaller area of land. What will Jason do next?

a) He will buy a goat.

b) He will buy a pig. 

c) He will buy chickens

a) He will buy a goat.


Who sewed the first official American Flag?

a) Harriet Tubman

b) Martha Jefferson

c) Betsy Ross

c) Betsy Ross


What food did our Founding Fathers feast on to celebrate our country's independence? 

a) turtle soup

b) steak

c) mac n' cheese

a) turtle soup

As legend has it, on July 4, 1776, our Founding Fathers sat down for a celebratory meal of turtle soup.


What type of fruit is commonly eaten on the 4th of July and is a refreshing treat?

