What does NLN stand for ?
National League of Nursing
Where was Florence Nightingale born, and what year?
Florence, Italy in 1820.
What are the 9 ways of thinking? (in no particular order)
1. All-or-none Thinking
2. Problem-Oriented Thinking
3. Focused Thinking
4. Non-Focused Thinking
5. Habitual Thinking
6. Ruminative Thinking
7. Random Thinking
8. Critical Thinking
9. Negative Thinking
What is Public Law 911 and what year was this introduced?
The law was created to provide millions of dollars in funding to expand hand improve practical nursing programs. Introduced in 1956.
What are the cognitive level?
1. Knowledge
2. Comprehension
3. Application
4. Analysis
What does NFLPN stand for ?
National Federation of Licensed Practical Nurses
When, and How did Florence Nightingale die and How old was she?
She died in 1910 from Heart Failure at 90 years old.
What is the difference between Ruminative Thinking and All-or-none Thinking?
Ruminative Thinking means you are constantly thinking about something over and over again. All-or-none Thinking is when you think everything has to go your way or in your favor.
When was the Civil War?
What is the difference between knowledge and comprehension?
Knowledge is being able to memorize and recall whereas comprehension is when you fully understand and can identify examples of that information learned.
What does NAPNES and When was it founded?
National Association of Practical Nurse Education and Service. Founded in 1941.
What was the name of Nightingales School?
Nightingales School of Nursing.
What is an example of Habitual Thinking?
Everyday things, something you are used to doing.
What year did nurses officially become apart of the military, and what did the soldiers call Florence Nightingale?
1950. Birdie
What is critical thinking?
An advanced way of thinking, used to resolve problems and find ways to improve a situation even when there is no problem.
What does ALPNA stand for and what year was it established?
American Licensed Practical Nurses Association. Established in 1984.
Who was the first school of nursing founded by?
Lutheran Order of Deaconessess.
What is Non-Focused Thinking?
Getting distracted while thinking of something/loosing track of thoughts.
What year did all states have licensure laws for practical vocational nurses?
1955, and by 1960 all states enforced the law.
What year and state was the first to license practical nursing?
1914. Mississippi.
What year did NLN establish a council of practical nursing programs?
1957. In 1979 the first list of competencies were published.
Who is Clara barton and what year was her accomplishment in?
Founder of American Red Cross. 1881.
Nightingale wrote over 200 publications which is the most important?
Notes on Nursing.
What year was Cadet nurse corps founded and what did they offer?
1943. Offered a 2 1/2 year program to become nurses.
What factors influence critical thinking?
1. Upbringing and culture
2. Motivation
3. Attitude