Identify the correct plural: “octopus”
octopuses or octopi
Make “the opinions of women” possessive.
women’s opinions
Identify the pronoun type: “Whom did you call?”
Objective pronoun
Identify the incorrect pronoun: “Neither of the boys brought their jackets.”
"Their" should be "his," since “neither” is singular.
What is the plural of “phenomenon”?
Which sentence is correct?
A) The deers ran through the field.
B) The deer ran through the field.
B – “deer” is the same in singular and plural form.
Which is correct?
A) The teachers’ lounge is on the second floor.
B) The teacher’s lounge is on the second floor.
Depends—A = multiple teachers, B = one teacher.
Which sentence is correct?
A) Each of the students has their own desk.
B) Each of the students has his or her own desk.
B—“Each” is singular, so it should be “his or her” in formal writing
Fix this sentence: “Its going to rain later.”
It’s going to rain later.
Find the mistake: “The dog wagged it’s tail.”
It’s → Its
The plural of “index” is __________.
indices or indexes
What is the difference between “dog’s” and “dogs’”?
Dog’s = singular possessive; Dogs’ = plural possessive
Find the pronoun error: “Him and me went to the store.”
It should be “He and I went to the store.”
Choose the correct pronoun: “If anyone calls, tell (him/her or them) I’m out.”
him or her—"Anyone" is singular, so the pronoun must match.
What is the difference between “whoever” and “whomever”?
Whoever = subject, whomever = object
Some nouns keep the same form in singular and plural. Give two examples.
Examples: sheep, moose, deer, aircraft, fish, etc.
What is wrong with this sentence? “The Smith’s house is down the street.”
"Smith’s" should be "Smiths’" if referring to a family.
Rewrite this sentence using a reflexive pronoun: “She completed the project all by herself.”
She completed the project herself.
Correct this: “John is taller than me.”
John is taller than I (am).
Rewrite this sentence in passive voice: “The teacher graded the essays.”
The essays were graded by the teacher.
Correct this sentence: “The criterions for the project are strict.”
The criteria for the project are strict.
How do you make the possessive of a plural noun that already ends in “s”?
Just add an apostrophe, e.g., "The students’ projects were graded."
Which is correct?
A) This is between you and I.
B) This is between you and me.
B—“between” is a preposition, so we use the object pronoun “me.”
Which is correct?
A) The car that is parked outside is his.
B) The car which is parked outside is his.
A—Use “that” for essential clauses, “which” for nonessential ones.
What is wrong with this sentence? “Between you and I, this secret is safe.”
It should be “Between you and me” because "between" takes object pronouns.