Give an example of how you could use math in real life!
Answers may vary!
What thing (topic, subject, etc.) would you be most interested in researching?
This holiday remembers and honors all men and women who served in the United States Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard.
Veterans Day
What is Life Science?
study of living things and the process that sustains life.
What’s your favorite season, and what’s the best part about it?
Answer may very
If you wanted to triple a recipe of cookies, what number do you need to multiply each ingredient amount by?
What should you never be afraid to do while doing reserach?
Dig a little deeper!
This day celebrates our Declaration of Independence from Great Britain.
Independence Day or the 4th of July
List at least six living things.
dog, cat, fish, whale, humans, trees, flowers...
What is your favorite type of cookie?
Answers may vary!
If a cookie recipe makes 48 cookies, but we only want to make enough dough for 2 dozen cookies- what do we need to do to the recipe?
What are you doing when you read a group of texts that are connected by similar ideas or themes, helping you understand more about the world around you.
Reading to build knowledge about the world.
This day celebrates and remembers all the service members who fought at home and abroad in wars, especially those who have died in this service.
Memorial Day
What living thing can you NOT see without the use of a microscope?
What is your favorite Thanksgiving tradition?
Answers may vary.
What is a useful way to estimate how much a recipe will cost to make?
We can round the cost of each ingredient and add the amounts together!
What types of sources can I use for research?
Websites, videos, textbooks, non-fictional texts
It is a day to honor American workers who used their strength and skills to improve life for the entire country.
Labor Day
List three types of ecosystems
forest, ocean, desert, rain forest, grassland, lake, river, marsh
What does your family do on the 4th of July?
Answers may vary.
If I want to double a recipe that calls for 3 1/2 cups of flour, how much flour do I need?
3 1/2 x 2= 7 cups of flour
What are conceptually related topics?
Conceptually related topics means that the texts are all connected by a big idea.
This day commemorates the hard work and dedication of U.S. Presidents.
Presidents' Day
List two different types of microorganisms.
bacteria, fungi, viruses, protozoa
What’s your favorite joke to tell?
Answer may very