What are automatic thoughts?
Automatic thoughts are what they sound like: Thoughts that a person has automatically in response to a trigger, often outside of that person's conscious awareness.
How do emotions affect our life?
- Emotions are how we respond to the world around us.
-Important part of our daily functions
-Help shape us into who we are.
-Contribute to the quality of our life.
-Play a big part in our Mental Health and Wellness.
Three places stress shows up in our lives
Thinking, Behavior, Relationship with others
Why is it important to say no?
- protects our best interests
- saying no preserves your inner strength
- self care
- realistic about capabilities/limits
- build and maintain healthy relationships
- do less to deliver more
- prevent burnout
- demonstrates assertiveness – good for your career
Circle of Control: What do we have control over?
Choices, Responses, Ourselves, Attitudes in the present moment
What are the 3 R's to managing automatic thoughts?
1. Record/Recognize
2. Rationalize
3. Replace
What is emotional intelligence?
Emotional Intelligence is being mindful of your feelings and responses to them
What effect do Words of Wisdom have on our attitudes and emotions?
They focus on the positive.
Keep ourselves from feeling discouraged or overwhelmed.
Can change our attitude, lift our mood.
Hope. Optimistic.
List two possible ways to say no
Direct, Reflective, Reasoned, Raincheck, Enquiring, Broken Record
What is resilience?
The ability to recover strength, determination, spirit, flexibility and good humor in the face of change, mistakes, and trials
What are core beliefs?
Core beliefs are a person's most central ideas about themselves, others, & the world.
In CBT core beliefs are thought to underlie automatic thoughts.
Explain the coping skill of 5 Finger Breathing
Trace all 5 fingers (inhale, exhale)
Can stress be positive?
Eustress is a form of stress that's positive for our well-being, mental health, and behaviors. Eustress is a kind of stress that encourages us to try a new hobby, learn new skills, and even step outside our comfort zone. It makes us feel good while we work toward our goals, go through significant life changes, or start new chapters in our lives. It's a stress response that benefits us.
What is the difference between constructive and destructive criticism?
Constructive- genuine feedback in helpful and non-threatening way so the person being criticized may learn and grow. Typically valid.
Destructive- not valid or true, or if valid delivered in an extremely unhelpful way, given without much thought, designed to embarrass or hurt
List three examples of protective factors?
Positive attitudes, values or beliefs.
Conflict resolution skills.
Good mental, physical, spiritual and emotional health (sleep, diet, shelter)
Positive self-esteem.
Success at school, work, daily living.
Strong social supports.
Explain how core beliefs are like magnets!
•Information that supports a core belief is easily integrated, making the belief stronger.
•Information that does not support a belief tends to be ignored.
The key to anger management
Warning signs are Alarm systems to tell you when you need a step back
This too shall pass
What are the two ways we can respond to criticism?
What is the difference between a protective factor and risk factor?
A protective factor is something that helps to prevent problems.
A risk factor is something that helps to create problems.
What is the difference between fact and opinion?
Facts are verifiable statements.
Opinions are person interpretations of facts, which differ from person to person.
Take care of your body
Connect with other people
Face your fears
Process trauma memories
EtcHow can Words of Wisdom help us re-frame our thinking?
Identify triggering event-identify the negative thought-replace it with words of wisdom or constructive sayings
What is the DESC communication tool?
Describe, Express feelings, State your wants or needs- the desired change you want made, Consequence or Compromise
List three benefits of social support
•Improved physical health
•Greater resilience to stress
•Improved self-esteem
•Feeling of security
•Improved mental well-being
•Greater life satisfaction