(T or F) The Bible is full of practical advice about life in general?
Should we learn the most _____ information first
A. important. B. detailed
In all, about 40 men recorded ____ books, which, when compiled into one column, constitute the Bible?
A. 12 B. 53. C. 66
Who was the baby that was floated down a river in a basket?
(T or F) God was Created?
God is eternal
(T or F) The Bible says that this life has no effect on the next life?
We should start at the _____ and move step by step through to the end
A. beginning B. most interesting
(Pick three) the Bible is holy, or unique, in the sense that is speaks with harmony and continuity, in spirt of the fact that:
A. different walks of life
B. 14 different languages
C. three different continents
D. 1500 years
A, B, D
Who were Moses' people?
The Israelites/Hebrews
Can you touch God?
Approximately ___ % or the Bible is prophecy and a significant amount of it has been precisely fulfilled?
A. 5%. B. 27% C. 44%
Begin with the _____ and move to the more complex
A. significant. B. simple
B. simple
Why do we call it God's Word?
What person took Moses in?
How many days did God create on?
6 Days of creation
1 Day of rest
The Bible refers to itself as Scripture, which simply means?
A. one B. three
We have ample reason to be assured that the Bible we have today is _________ what the 40 men wrote.
A. radically different from
B. somewhat similar to
C. essentially the same as
C. essentially the same as
(T or F) The Egyptians at the time were worshiping YAHWEH(God)?
Do angels have free will?
(Pick two) The word holy is used in the Bible to mean?
A. Unique B. High
C. set apart or different D. religious
(T or F) Because the meaning of some words changes over time, the Bible has way of locking the meaning of words in place so that their meaning will never change?
(T or F) Many Bibles include introductory notes, cross-references, maps, etc. Theses were given by God to help the reader better understand the Scripture?
What is the Burning Bush?
Are angels little gods?