what was our topic in maths this week?
This week's topic was Repeated Addition/Multiplication
What was the name of the book we read in reading this week?
The book we read this week was 'Boy'
What did we learn about in writing this week?
We learned about Persuasive writing
What was the topic for inquiry this week?
What are the two main colours of the school uniform?
Red and Blue
Show me 3x3 in repeated addition
How did the boy speak in the book?
He spoke with dancing hands
True or False?
The conclusion goes at the end of a persuasive piece.
True or False?
It can only rain at night
Which Football team's colours are Red, White and Blue
The Western Bulldogs
Show me the multiplication sum of:
What colour was the dragon in the book?
The dragon was purple
How many body paragraphs do we usually write?
We write 3 body paragraphs
How many Hours are in a full day?
24 hours
what is Elsa's sister's name in Frozen?
What is the answer to the following equation?
What does the author mean by 'Dancing hands'
The author is talking about sign language
What do we need to put in our body paragraphs after our argument?
Is it daytime at the same time all over the world?
What specialist class do you have at 10:40 on Tuesday?
Performing Arts
What is the answer to the following equation?
What is the name of the writing technique the author used where he wrote sounds such as 'clang' and 'roar'?(50 bonus points for correct spelling)
What is the name of words such as 'firstly', 'secondly' and 'lastly'?
Sequencing words
What is the name of the time when the sun sets?
In the book 'The Day the Crayons Quit' which crayon argues with the orange crayon?
The Yellow Crayon