Strategic Thinking
Futures Thinking
Systems Thinking
Design Thinking
Computational Thinking

What do PBL in Technologies stand for?

Project Based Learning.


What are the four aspects of Futures Thinking?

Scenarios, Trends, Backcasting, Forecasting.


What are the four aspects of Systems Thinking?

Simulations, Change over time, Stock and Flow, Connection Circles.


What are the four aspects of Design Thinking?

Testing and Evaluating, Investigating and Designing, Generating and designing, Producing and Implementing.


What are the four aspects of Computational Thinking?

Evaluative Thinking, Problem Thinking, Algorithmic Thinking, Data Thinking.


What are the four aspects of Strategic Thinking?

Collaboration, Entrepreneurial, Project Management, Growth/Moonshots 


What is Futures Thinking?

Seeing the world as it may be, rather than it is, and being empowered to change it, is an important skill for students to develop to conceptualise problems and their solutions.


Why is Systems Thinking different to Event orientated thinking?

Event orientated thinking thinks and models in straight lines whilst Systems Thinking is circular.


What does Investigating and Designing involve?

Students critiquing, exploring and investigating needs, opportunities and information.


What are the three aspects of Problem Thinking?

Decomposition, Extraction, Generalisation.


In Strategic Thinking Collaboration by year 3-6 students should?

Take responsibility for specific roles within a project with increasing levels of collaboration and teamwork.


Why is backcasting important in Futures Thinking?

Because the other aspects assume what can happen in the future whilst backcasting looks at the past to prepare for future possibilities.


Stock and Flow models have two forms, what are they?

Balancing: in which a feedback loop acts to try and keep a stock within a certain range; and

Reinforcing: where the stock can increase or decrease exponentially.


What does Generating and Designing involve?

Generating and designing involves students developing and communicating ideas for various audiences. Students create change, make choices, weigh options, consider alternatives and document various design ideas and possibilities.


What is computational teaching?

Computational Thinking involves thinking about the world in different ways, enabled by a deep understanding of technology and the ways that we can use technology.


What is the purpose of Moonshots?

Allow students to take risks and develop students ability to take risks and see them as positive.


When looking at trends moving from years 1 and 2 to 3 and 6 data is formulated on paper to...?

Simple spreadsheets and data tables.


What is a connection circle?

When all elements are spread around a circumference and arrows point to what elements effect others.

What does Producing and Implementing involve?

Students learn and apply various skills and techniques to make products, services, or environments that meet specific purposes and user needs.


What are the three techniques of Algorithmic Thinking?

Specification (descriptions and techniques).

Algorithms (following and describing).

Implementation (translating and programming).


What does ePBL and iPBL stand for and what are they?

Extrinsic Project Based Learning (Stimuli provided by external source) , Intrinsic Project Based Learning (student-centred investigation).


What should Forecasts strive to be?

Plausible (Logical, consistent and believable), 

Relevant (Highlighting key challenges and dynamics of the future), 

Divergent (Different from each other in strategically significant ways), 

Challenging (Questioning fundamental beliefs and assumptions)

Why is Systems Thinking the opposite of Decomposition?

Instead of isolating smaller and smaller parts of a system being studied, we expand our view to incorporate larger and larger interactions.


What does Testing and Evaluating involve?

Students evaluate and make judgements throughout a design process about the quality and effectiveness of their designed solutions and those of others.


What are the two types of evaluative claims?

Conclusion and Explanation.
