Intro to Adolescent Health & SDH
Systems & Daily Life Impact on Adolescent Health
A Developmental Systems Perspective on Adolescence
Environmental Influences on Adolescent Health and Development
Agencies and Public Health Programs Focused on Adolescents

What is adolescence today? 

adolescents can be defined in many ways but it is based on biological markers such as the beginning and end of puberty phase.


What is the term that describes this determinant of health: the daily circumstances that most directly impact a person's health? For example, family, peer group, school, neighbourhood

Proximal determinants


What is a factor that may accelerate pubertal timing and tempo

  1. Childhood stressors such as maltreatment

  2. Having a pet

  3. Living closer to the equator

  4. Living on a farm

Childhood stressors such as maltreatment


What is the most widely used survey that provides data on health risk behaviors among 9th- to 12th-grade students in U.S. schools?

A) National Health Interview Survey (NHIS)

B) Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Survey (YRBSS)

C) National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG)

D) National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY)

Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Survey (YRBSS)


Which one of the following agency/ programs collects data on youth and school health policies and practices through school-based surveillance systems? 

  1. Maternal and Child Health Bureau

  2. Division of Adolescent and School Health

  3. Teen Pregnancy Prevention Programs

  4. Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine

Division of Adolescent and School Health


Who are adolescents? 

individuals ages 10-19 are considered to be adolescents


The strongest determinants of health are 3 structural factors; what are they? 

national wealth, income inequality, and access to education


What is a factor that contributes to earlier puberty onset in girls?

  1. Nutritional changes

  2. Metabolism

  3. Endocrine disruptors

  4. Maternal and/or childhood obesity

  5. Intrauterine growth restriction

  6. All of the above 

All of the above


Which demographic groups have been disproportionately exposed to school-related violence and safety concerns associated with systemic and environmental factors, rather than individual or community characteristics?

A) Students from high-income families

B) White suburban students

C) Black/African American and Hispanic students

D) Students attending private schools

Black/African American and Hispanic students


Which of the following is the primary funding source for US public health programs that provide immunizations, preventive and primary care services for adolescents, and comprehensive care for adolescents with special health care needs?

  1. Adolescent and Young Adult Health National Resource Center and Health Research Network 

  2. Bright Futures

  3. Title V MCH Block Grant

  4. CDC

Title V MCH Block Grant


What is a social determinant? 

a social determinant refers to the conditions in which people are born into, grow, live, and work in that can affect their quality of life and health


Fill in the blanks: In low-income and middle income countries, up to 33% of all adolescents do not attend ___ compared with 4% in Canada, the USA, and western Europe. Participation in ___ is protective against teenage pregnancy, and injury deaths.

high school / secondary education


What is one thing early pubertal timing associated with?

  1. Elevated depressive symptoms and lower academic performance in high school

  2. Doing more exercise

  3. Wanting to move to an urban area

  4. Decreased interest in the arts  

Elevated depressive symptoms and lower academic performance in high school


According to national data, which student group is disproportionately disciplined through suspensions and school-related arrests in K–12 public schools?

A) Asian American students

B) White male students

C) Black students and students with disabilities

D) Hispanic female students

Black students and students with disabilities


In what fiscal year was the Office of Adolescent Health established?

  1. 2010

  2. 1995

  3. 2005

  4. 2011



What are 4 examples of a social determinant?

  1. access to education 

  2. language skills 

  3. access to healthcare 

  4. family income

  5. neighborhood/living conditions 

  6. social support 

  7. social discrimination 


Fill in the blank: Programs that improve secondary school environments and ___ are the most promising large-scale interventions for improving health outcomes in adolescence.

  1. sexual health education 

  2. academic achievement

  3. connectedness 

  4. access to reliable transportation 



What is one key reason why adolescents may engage in more risky behaviors than adults?

  1. Adolescents have underdeveloped cognitive skills, leading to irrational decision-making.

  2. Adolescents have a heightened sensitivity to reward and a reduced ability to regulate emotions and behaviors.

  3. Adolescents process information more slowly than adults, causing them to take risks unknowingly.

  4. Adolescents are naturally less risk-averse because they lack the capacity to perceive risks.

Adolescents have a heightened sensitivity to reward and a reduced ability to regulate emotions and behaviors.


Which of the following social determinants most directly influences disparities in homicide rates and school violence among Black/African American adolescent males?

A) Access to sports facilities

B) Neighborhood poverty and exposure to crime

C) School curriculum quality

D) After-school arts programs

Neighborhood poverty and exposure to crime


True or False: In 2018, the Department of Health and Human Services and Youth Services Bureau was awarded funding for the Title V State Sexual Risk Avoidance Education program.

  1. True

  2. False



What are the leading causes of adolescent mortality?

unintentional injury (motor vehichle crashes, poisoning, drowning), suicide, and homicide


True or False: Family, peer, and educational factors that affect adolescent health within high-income countries are different than factors that impact adolescent health within low-income countries.

False! Similar factors explain worldwide variations between countries


Which of the following is a key characteristic of authoritative parenting that promotes positive adolescent development?

  1. High parental warmth with low monitoring.

  2. Clear communication about values, expectations, and rationale for decisions.

  3. Low parental warmth with high monitoring.

  4. Emotional distance and minimal involvement in the adolescent's life.

Clear communication about values, expectations, and rationale for decisions.


What is a key reason adolescents from marginalized racial/ethnic groups are overrepresented in the juvenile justice system?

A) Equal rates of juvenile crime across all races

B) Increased access to rehabilitation programs

C) Systemic racial bias and disparities in law enforcement practices

D) Lower rates of educational attainment

Systemic racial bias and disparities in law enforcement practices


StopBullying.Gov is made up of which of the following government departments?

  1. Department of Health and Human Services

  2. Department of Education

  3. Department of Justice

  4. All of the Above 

All of the Above
