What two letters make up our school name?
What is G and M
This sport is played with a basket and a team
what is basketball
This movie uses emotions to share feelings
This game is won when players make a row from numbers being called
what is Bingo
This song is features in Frozen
What is Let it Go
This sport is played by running, walking, or jumping
What is track and field
This type of movie is scary
What is horror
This game is won by getting rid of all of your cards and calling out a name when you have one left
What is Uno
This song is played at every sports game
What is the Star Spangled Banner
These are our school colors
what is maroon and gold
This hobby is done with yarn and a needle
What is knitting
This movie is about a robot who tries to clean up a dirty Earth
What is Wall-E
This game is played by running towards a main person while they have their back to you and call out colors
What is red light, green light
This type of music is designed to make you feel sad emotions when listening to it
What is Blues
The name of our district
What is Governor Mifflin
This hobby is mostly done with colors on paper
What is art
This type of movie is about relationships
What is a romance movie
This game is played in a pool with a team and a ball
What is water polo
This song is about being strong and uses an animal in the title
What is Eye of the Tiger
Who is our school principal?
Mr. Steve Murray
This sport is played with mini balls thrown across lines to get close to a master ball
What is Bocce
This movie is about a man who gets stranded on an island while trying to deliver packages
What is Castaway
This game is played by buying properties and rotating around a board using money
What is monopoly
This type of music involves brass instruments
What is jazz