Vocabulary + L3
Lecture 2
Lecture 3

read correctly & say the chinese meaning




What are the potential consequences of the monsoon failure? 

lead to drought - impact on regions that depend on monsoon rainfall for agriculture


What was depicted in the ancient set of wall carvings found in an Egyptian temple?

Sea voyage undertaken by ancient Egyptians


read correctly & say the chinese meaning

1. papyrus

2. infested 

3. robust 

1. 纸草

2. 侵扰

3. 强劲的;有力的;充足的

What factors affect monsoon? at least 3

sea surface temperatures, solar output, soil moisture, the position and strength of winds.


What are the evidence found at the GWS site?

1. wood used for boats, such as oars and the structure.

2. anchors & rope made from papyrus 


read correctly & say the chinese meaning

1. archeologist 

2. meteorology

3. monsoon

4. Paleolithic

5. concentric circles

1. 考古学家


3. 季风气候

4. 旧石器时代

5. 同心圆


What 2 ways can we obtain historical data about monsoon patterns?

1. cave deposit

2. tree rings 


Why is the discovery of rope made from papyrus significant?

Papyrus plants were common in the Nile river valley, suggesting that shipbuilding may have taken place near the Nile.

But the ships were used in the Red Sea, as the rope would not have been easily accessible there.


Why did it take a long time to find the ship parts at the archeological site?

Because they had to dig through more than 6 meters of sand in some places to uncover the equipment.


Why is the method of using cave deposit limited for large regions?

cave deposite can be inconsistent in distribution.

challenging to obtain complete and spatially extensive information about monsoon patterns in large regions.


How do we know that the ships depicted in the carvings were used in the oceans or seas? 

How long did the ship spend in the water?

Planks of wood from the ships showed signs of being infested by shipworms, which are only found in salt water. 

Based on the damage caused by shipworms, it is estimated that the ships spent several months in the water


What is MADA?

Include “what”, “method it uses”, and ”time span”.

A research project that reconstructed dryness and wetness patterns across Asia using tree rings. It covers a period of 700 years, starting from the 1300s.


What is an interesting aspect of the discovery related to wood?

The workers at the site spent time cleaning and preparing planks of wood that had been used in boats, suggesting the possibility of wood recycling for building new boats.
