The 5-C Framework is made up of Customers, Company, Collaborators, Competitors, and this
Consumer characteristics include social and cultural factors and this
Personal Factors
The three domains of creating value include functional value, psychological value and Monetary Value
Monetary Value
The marketing planning process that includes goal setting, strategy, tactics, implementation, control, is often referred to as this
G-STIC action plan
In studying how we behave as consumers, Motivation, Perception, Emotions, and Memory all refer to this model
Consumer Psychology
To create value, marketers have to address two important frameworks, Points of Reference and this
Points of Difference
An assessment of current overall business environment is commonly referred to as this
SWOT/Situational Assessment
When Taco Bell runs a campaign for Black History Month, they are being influenced by this consumer characteristic
Cultural Factors
The three domains of creating value include functional value, psychological value and Monetary Value
What makes your product different
In marketing planning, the ultimate success criteria is this
Goal Setting
When Lululemon first introduced a line of men's wear in 2014, they were being influenced by this consumer behavior characteristic
Social Factors
Why a consumer buys your product is also referred to as this
Points/Frame of Reference
Creating value for customers, company, and collaborators is also know as this
Optimal Value Proposition (OVP)
The first step in understanding why and how consumer select, buy, use and dispose of goods is through this model
The Model of Consumer Behavior
The three must haves of developing a point of difference and reference are must be desirable to consumers, deliverable by the company, and this
Different from others