Angels of Allah
Books of Allah
Messengers of Allah
Seerah of the Prophet (S)
Global Muslims


Angel to blow the trumpet to commence the Day of Judgment.

Who is Angel Israfeel (A)?


Name ten chapters or surahs (suwar) from the Quran.

What is Fatihah, Baqarah, Ale 'Imraan, Nisaa, Maidah, An'aam, Anfaal, Taubah, Yunus, Hud, Yusuf, Ibrahim, Hijr, Nahl, etc.?

Must name at least ten for full points.


Biblical names for Prophets Nuh, Ibrahim, Musa, Isa (A).

Bonus 100 points if can name another TWO prophets!

Who is Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus?


Names of the daughters of the Prophet (S).

(Must name at least 2 for full points)

Who are Zainab, Ruqayyah, Umm Kulthum, and Fatimah (rA)?


Country with largest Muslim population today.

What is Indonesia?


Angel of rainshowers.

Who is Angel Mikaeel?


Book of Christianity

Book of Judaism

(must name both for full points)

What is the Bible or Injeel?

What is the Torah or Taurah?


Number of prophets mentioned in the Quran.


What is 25?


Definition of "Hadith".

What is the statement, saying, or approval of the Prophet Muhammad (S)?

BONUS 100 points if your team can name how this differs from the Quran!



Country with 2% of the Muslim global population.

What is the country of Saudi Arabia?


Angel sent to bring books of Allah SWT to the Messengers.

Who is Angel Jibril (A)?


Book of Dawud (A).

Book of Ibrahim (A).

(Must name at least one for full points)

What is the Zabur?

What is the Suhuf?


Two miracles granted by Allah SWT to His prophets (can be two from the same prophet or one each from two prophets).

(Must name two for full points)

What is building of the arc of Nuh (A),

Ibrahim (A) being saved from the fire which turned cool for him, miracle of Zamzam water,

Musa (A)'s stick turning into a serpent, his hand turning white and radiant,

Isa (A) being born without a father, being able to speak from the cradle, cure the blind and leper, and being lifted to the Heavens as protection,

among MANY others?


One miracle or significance of the Prophet Muhammad (S).

What is the last and final messenger of Allah SWT, ability to split the moon, miracle of providing more food to thousands out of small amount, miracle of Israa and Mi'raaj, ability to see to faroff places such as Persia and Rome, among MANY others?


Difference between "monotheism" and "polytheism"

What is belief in one God versus belief in many gods?


Some roles of the angels.

(must name at least 3 for full points)

What is writing our daily deeds and words, bringing rain and thunder according to Allah SWT's command, circumambulating the Bait ul Maa'moor above the Ka'bah once, holding the Throne of Allah SWT, coming to take the soul of the human at the end of life, asking questions in the grave, protecting the Believers during their lives, among MANY others?


Number of chapters (surahs or suwar) and parts (juz or ajzaa') in the Quran.

What is 114 and 30?


Name a story and lesson from a prophet of Allah SWT other than the Prophet Muhammad (S).

What is the story of Musa (A) and Bani Israil being saved from Fir'awn by the splitting of the sea because of their trust in Allah?

What is the story of Ibrahim (A) being saved from the fire which turned cool by the command of Allah SWT just for him because of his strong belief in Allah SWT?

Among MANY others


Name one event EACH from the Makkan period of the Prophet Muhammad (S)'s life and from the Madinan period of the Prophet Muhammad (S)'s life.

(must name both for full points)

What is the revelation of Quran, secret spread of Islam, Dar al Arqam, the migration to Madinah, the boycott of the Muslims, Israa and Mi'raaj journey, Year of Sorrow, events at Ta'if, among many others in the Makkah period?

What is the Battles of Badr and Uhud and the Trench, the dealing with the hypocrites of Madinah, the establishing of the masjid, delegations from around Arabia arriving in Madinah, among many others in the Madinan period?


Population of Muslims around the world today.

What is more than 2 billion (2,000,000,000) in population?
