These are two of the three "jobs" of a supervisor...
What is act as a manager, act as a mediator, or act as a mentor for staff.
True or false.
The supervisory relationship between a supervisor and their staff should be the same for each employee.
for bonus give support to why this is either true or false.
What is false.
What are the factors involved in multicultural supervision? (There are 2)
What is self-knowledge as well as knowledge and awareness about the cultural factors affecting others?
This person developed a theory of motivation based on the meeting of basic needs before the meeting of higher level needs. The theory is called....
Who was Mazlow and Hierarchy of Needs?
__________ is an important tool in resource allocation for programming.
What is program evaluation.
This role of the supervisor provides the link between administration and direct practice.
What is the mediator role?
This is the key concept in the Hersey, Blanchard, and Johnson (2007) situation leadership model.
What is readiness?
Feedback from supervisors should be ___________ in situations that require disciplinary action.
What is objective?
This theory of motivation centers on 3 distinct motivators; the need for achievement, the need for power, and the need for affiliation.
What is McClelland's needs theory?
This is the purpose of program evaluation which demonstrates that programs are meeting the outcomes it is designed to meet.
What is accountability?
This is the role that means the supervisor possesses knowledge of all agency functions.
What is the manager role?
When you completed your FE, you developed learning outcomes for your field experience with your agency supervisor. This is an example of this supervisory process.
What is Collaborative Interaction?
A good supervisor provides ____________ in regard to the discipline procedure within the agency personnel manual.
What is Clarity?
This is the motivation in McClelland's Needs Theory that focuses on a person who values personal success and views it in terms of their ability to achieve measurable outcomes.
What is achievement-motivated people.
This purpose of program evaluation helps to make changes for the better in existing programs by comparing programs with the standards and criteria developed during the planning and program design stages.
What is improvement of current programs.
This is the role that means the manager provides individual psychological support to supervisees with emphasis on self-awareness on supervisee response and reaction to clients.
What is the mentoring role?
According to Hersey, Blanchard, and Johnson (2007) willingness is a combination of these 3 things.
What is confidence, commitment, and motivation?
Give an example of progressive discipline.
What is ....answers will vary.
Herzberb's Motivation/Hygiene Theory is based on the clear distinction between factors which relate to job ______ and job __________.
What is Job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction.
Name a stakeholder in the evaluation of a HS program. (there is more than 1 correct answer)
Who are
funding sources
This role "requires considerable skills in decision making and conflict managment as well as sentivitity to the needs of clients, staff, and the organization"
What is the mediator role?
According to Hersey, Blanchard, and Johnson (2007) ability is a combination of these 3 things.
What is knowledge, experience, and demonstrated skill?
Give an example of subjective vs. objective feedback.
What is ...answers will vary
Name a factor in Herzberg's theory which lead to job satisfaction and influence worker motivation. (there are several correct answers here)
What is
Accomplishing something significant
Receiving recognition for accomplishments
Opportunity for growth and development
An opportunity to gain increased responsibility
Opportunity for advancement.
This is the type of program evaluation whose objective is to provide information about the achievement of goals and objectives.