Who says this is my brother ******
Who goes with Garvey to go get a suit
His dad
Who is Garvey's 2 best friends
Joe and Manny
Who says you know *** I used to sing solo to
Garvey's Dad
What does garvey go get for his recital
A suit
Who sits with Garvey every lunch?
Who says I wish I can wake up thin
Who is Garvey missing during lunch
Who is in the crowd is crying after Garvey finishes his recital
Garvey's dad
What does garvey's chorus teacher say to garvey
Practice makes perfect
What does Garvey do every night in the mirror
What famous singer does Manny compare Garvey to
Who says shine your light, no one will care what size candle holds the flame
Manny's mom
What does Garvey do every night in bed before he sleeps
He reads
What did garvey's dad do when he was younger
Sing Solo