Body position in which a person lies flat on their back
A belt made of canvas or other heavy material that is used to help people who are weak, unsteady, or uncoordinated to transfer or walk
Transfer belt
NA's should always check this before helping a resident to ambulate
Before leaving a resident's room, the NA should always be sure of what?
That the call light is within reach
An amendment to OBRA that requires staff to explain information about advance directives to a resident upon admission
Patient Self-Determination Act (PSDA)
Body position in which a person is lying on either side
A wooden board that helps transfer people who are unable to bear weight on their legs
Slide board or transfer board
Resident should always be wearing these before transferring:
Non-skid footwear
Never place these items on the bedside table:
Bedpans or urinals
A copy of this is given to the resident & their family upon admission
Resident's Rights
Body position in which a person is lying on their stomach, or front side of the body
For any equipment with wheels, this MUST be done before beginning to transfer a resident
Lock the wheels
Used to move residents without causing shearing
Draw sheet
This person is mainly responsible for keeping the resident's environment clean & comfortable:
The NA
This member of the healthcare team is responsible for explaining how, when, where & why the transfer will occur
The RN
A semi-sitting body position, in which a person's head & shoulders are elevated 45 to 60 degrees
Used when resident can bear some weight on their legs but has poor leg strength and/or balance
Stand-up lifts or sit-to-stand lifts
When ambulating a resident that has a weaker side, the NA should position themselves here:
The weaker side
Some ways to control odors in the resident's environment:
Clean up promptly after incontinence, empty & clean bedpans, urinals, commodes & emesis basins promptly, change soiled linens & clothes ASAP
This has to be placed by a physician before a resident can be discharged from a facility
Discharge order
Body position in which a person is lying on their left side with the upper knee flexed & raised toward the chest
The science of designing equipment, areas, and work tasks to make them safer & to suit the worker's abilities
Situation when the transfer belt should not be used
If the resident has fragile bones or fractures where the belt would be placed
OBRA requires that residents' rooms are kept between what temperatures?
71-81 degrees
OBRA requires that residents receive this prior to being transferred or discharged from a facility
Advanced written notice